My idiotic teammates

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: narutorocks

<<I don't own naruto. Wanna bet on it? How much 5 bucks? Go to Wikipedia and it says it's by masashi kishimoto SO HA! gimme my 5 bucks>>

yuuki's POV:

I watched Sasuke flee from the scene as he realized that kakashi used a substitution jutsu. Panicking sakura followed after him. Observing that I would be able to witness more action there. i broke off the rope dangling naruto by the foot before following the trail of uncarefully unhidden chakra that sakura was leaving.

Naruto POV:

a ninja must see through deception. YEAH YEAH how am i supposed to do that anyways? stupid kakashi sensei. i thought as yuuki cut the rope with her kunai. well i'm falling for any more of his tricks. i thought as i landed on my feet. All of the sudden a felt something grip on my leg and hoist me upside down into the air. "I FELL FOR IT AGAIN DX!" i shouted calling for yuuki to help me but as i looked around she was nowhere to be found.

Yuukis Pov:

Following Sakura i finally found her....screaming at kakashi who she was facing

"um....its um nothing to worry about heh heh you look um good for your don't look that least not enough to scream at...even though she did...>.>" I said nervously. giving me a worn out look Kakashi made a sign and leaves started to swirl around me and sakura. GENJUTSU! i thought as my eyes widened quickly making a sign i mentally thought RELEASE! Before turning towards sakura the leaves only swirling around her who had a glazed over look in her eyes. "NO SAKURA its a GENJUTSU!" i yelled but, she didn't hear me already deep inside the genjutsu. damn it how is it that one of the smartest girls in our class doesn't realize it when something she read about is happening to her? ugh my team sucks. As i finished my thought she suddenly screamed and fainted.

"i THINK i overdid it a bit..." Kakashi stated reading his book....well NO DUH "but...she's got to learn to see through these things" he continued flipping a page of his book. Kakashi walked away as i followed him to find......-enter dramatic pause- SASUKES BACK!

"im not LIKE the others." the back said calmly its uchiha sign wiggling slightly from the breathing in and outness.

"say that AFTER you get a sasuke~" kakashi said mockingly before walking towards the back. As the back turned i see....SASUKES FACE!

"NOOOOO U RUINED MY NICE VIEW OF THE UCHIHA SYMBOL ON UR BACK DDDDX DAMN U UKE CHAN" i shouted. his eye twitched as i called him uke.

"why is SHE with you? and also IM NOT THE GIRL IN A GAY RELATIONSHIP" he shouted/said angrily.

" ur the GUY in a gay relationship?" i asked after a moments silence.

"IM NOT GAY!" he shouted at me hurting my ears.

"suuuure u arent uke chan" i said with skepticism. A taunting smile on my lips. I couldn't help but think of how cute he looked as he- WHAT AM I THINKING NO! bad yuuki bad!

"shes following me out of boredom apparently" Kakashi explained while i smiled mockingly for the heck of being mockingish. The two started a stare off. well more like a glare off but sasukes the only one glaring which kinda fails cus he looks childish next to kakashi. Finally Sasuke shot shuriken and kunai at Kakashi which caused kakashi to brag about how normal attacks won't work right before he almost falls for a trap Sasuke devised before escaping last minute.

"oh kakashi. Your so stupid" I say with a peaceful smile. Ignoring me they continue with their little fight. Huh Kakashi isn't reading I spot the brightly colored book on the ground slightly in front of me hiding in the the hell did I not notice that?0.o oh well~ he probably dropped the book fighting. Curiosity taking over and crowding my mind caused me to pick up the book. I put my thumb in the corner so I catch a glimpse of each page as I tilt the book a certain way causing the pages to flip a page per second. Awww it's a love story. The woman is engaged to be married but to a man she does not seriously love sadly she doesn't see the problem with this soon she's married yet she felt nothing during the ceremony. They had a simple kiss before they went back to their normal life. Nothing really changed between her husband and her he never lays a hand on her they have a sweet simple romance yet...she's bored. Her sister the only one she truly trusts knows she's not the type of woman who is tied down and encourages her to divorce and leave her husband yet he begs her not to leave him as he really loves her. Feeling guilt that she caused him to believe in an unreal romance she stays yet wants to leave just before she tries to again he finally makes a move to kiss her. Slowly and slowly he progressed more and more until......

Petty rivalry -an Uchiha love story- (IN EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें