Kicking some uchiha butt

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<<hey guys as promised since I got comments I update ^^ anyways I don't own naruto ...well no duh u think I would still be updating on wattpad if I did?>> 

yuuki's POV: 


I groaned dammit the fangirls are loud.  

"no jutsus, hand to hand combat" stated Iruka before he asked us to make the necessary rituals for a spar.We both made the necessary sign that signals the spar and he immediately got into a fighting stance and charged forward at a high speed. I yawned and stepped to the side. As soon as that happened he threw his fist toward my direction. Once again I moved out of the way as his eyes widened in shock and pulled his fist downwards attempting to pull him to the ground. However he quickly came back into reality and I made a full U-turn around him not even opening my eyes anymore. 

"what's wrong sasuke?! You can beat her!" cried the fan girls. Sasuke glared at me and tried to do a roundhouse kick to my head at the last moment I turned my head to the side while stepping back enough for the kick to be a few inches from my face.I sighed and finally opened my eyes. He watched my cautiously not moving. 

"I though you said I wasn't qualified to be a ninja?" I said in a mocking tone with a smirk. That caused him to lose it and attempt to throw kunai at me. Already anticipating the attack I merely turned my body at an angle where the kunai were inches away from me. Soon I was bombarded with kunai that he was continuously throwing. Using only the slightest movements I dodged the impending weapons thrown at me as he growled slightly at the fact that I looked like I was on a leisurely stroll while he looked like something the dog chewed and dragged in. Soon enough he stopped and threw a shuriken at me smirking since he knew I had to move.I jumped effortlessly high in the air and suddenly vanished from the sight of the classmates only to appear behind sasuke's back...with my foot on his back. 

"SASUKE!" dammit why couldn't they stay quiet I thought as I gripped on his arm which I had been taking hold of since I grabbed it. 

"Yeah! Go yuuki! Beat the teme!" someone was cheering for me? I turned my head to find the orange blob cheering for me. I stared at him questionably for about 2 seconds before I understood. He has so much fangirls so of course some guys will go hater on him. I stared pointedly at Iruka who was astonished by my fighting technique. Finally coming back to his senses Iruka spoke up. 

"THE MATCH IS OVE-" his words were cut off because sasuke, still desperate to win turned around and tried to kick me. Dodging the kick by moving my body slightly to the side I decided that this fight was getting tiresome. I grabbed his arm towards me and as he was about to round house kick me again I jabbed him on a fairly effective pressure point with two of my fingers. Surprisingly he could still slightly move so I jabbed him again on another pressure point and let go of his arm causing him to fall. I stared at sasuke's glare impassively for a few seconds before I turned to Iruka. 

"THIS MATCH IS OVER! yuuki is the winner." announced Iruka.  

"Yeah good job yuuki!" cried the blob.  

"s-sasuke l-l-lost..." said the fan girls. 

"um yuuki can you do something so he can move?" whispered Iruka as he tapped my shoulder. I crouched down and my hands glowed with green chakra as I allowed him to move again. Finally he could get up and Iruka asked us to make the symbol for peace necessary to end the spar. I held out 2 of my fingers for him to shake but he looked away and crossed his arms, refusing to have anything to do with me. I don't know why but... That one gesture made my heart ache. I must really like him. It's better if he hates me so we can still be rivals. After Iruka forced him to do the gesture we went back inside to get our stuff and go home. The orange blob suddenly stopped me at the door to the classroom by introducing himself. 

"hey my names Naruto, you were so awesome when you beat sasuke!" at first I stared at Naruto stupidly before comprehending that he wanted to be my friend.  

"m-my names yuuki nice to meet you" he grinned at me as we walked through the town. 

"you stutter just like hinata!" he exclaimed.  

"I don't always do. I just get shy when meeting people." I said while blushing to tell the truth I didn't think I would make any friends in this town considering how much the fan girls hate me. 

"so where are you going?" he asked curiously. I smiled. 

"to the training grounds wanna come?" I asked. 

"no it's fine but, you wanna meet me at Ichiraku Ramen later? I'll treat you." he offered. I happily accepted as I we parted ways. I reached the training grounds when suddenly I saw a certain Uchiha also training and throwing kunais at targets. Deciding to ignore him I walked towards a huge boulder next to him. 

"what do you want Itake?" he asked with a fierce expression. 

"just to train" I said with a gentle smile where my eyes were closed.I got a hn as a reply before he went back to his training. I jumped and landed at the top of the boulder. Glancing down at the training grounds I activated my ryukugan and smiled at the memories of comrades bonding and training hard then frowned inwardly when I saw the accidents that occurred in the area.  

"I though you were training. Not daydreaming." I looked at sasuke annoyed as hell that he interrupted me. 

"I am" I said looking pointedly at him. Suddenly he stood shocked at the sight of the ryukugan. Good that'll keep him quiet. I thought before looking back to the training grounds. I was really pissed right now. More pissed then usual. I jumped down and, using the technique that the slug princess Tsunade who I had met on my travels and trained with for a short while created, I smashed the boulder into pieces from one punch. Why did he have to be here when I was going to get rid of my feelings with training?! I though as I walked away. 

Sasuke's POV: 

Her eyes were strange. They had a crescent moon Like white shape going almost around the pupil. And also the rock she smashed turned into pieces. I know she's from the Itake clan and we were rivals, and still are, so we couldve met before right? However something tells me that, that wasn't the reason she's so familiar. My eyes narrowed into a glare at her departing figure as I continued trying to think of a reason why I felt like I met her before. 

<<this ish my 1st time writing a fight scene and I wanted it to be as if yuuki was lazy so only did slight movements to avoid attacks that she predicted. I lost some votes ;( pls gimme at the very least 5 k? Also who here thinks that she should know haku? OOH OOH MEEEEE!-raises hand- comment and if u think she should or not and also possibly fan? Oh and also for the ryukugan just imagine it since I'm 2 lazy to draw or find a link>>

Petty rivalry -an Uchiha love story- (IN EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora