Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Love, it truly is a strange thing

Finally, exams were over. John let out a sigh of relief as he left the main hall, hands stuffed in his pockets. That last one had been long and tough. His English exam.

“Well that was fun,” Lestrade commented as he came out behind John. He had been doing his Modern Studies exam at the same time as John did his English one.

“Hard exam?” John questioned as they slowly made their way towards their rooms.


“Mine too. But at least they’re over.” John smiled slightly. Then school would make way for the summer holidays. John was hoping to have Sherlock over during them. If he had cleared his name by then. John was sure that would happen soon. After all, Sherlock did have an older brother in the Government. Even if it was a minor position. John was beginning to come to terms with him and Sherlock not seeing each other so much. Only the evenings. John guessed it was good. Almost a transition before university. Sherlock would undoubtedly go to Oxford or Cambridge whereas John was going to the University of London. They would keep in touch, though. John hoped.

John still refused to talk to Sally and Anderson. Then again they didn’t really talk to him. No when he had been friends with Sherlock (well, he still was). But he spoke with Lestrade and Molly quite a lot now. Lestrade was sorry about what had happened. He hadn’t expected it to escalate so quickly and didn’t think Sherlock was a murderer, at least. John understood. He hadn’t expected the events that happened to happen. But they did. So he coped.

“Yes, finally, freedom!” Lestrade grinned. “Promise you’ll keep in touch when we go to uni. You’re doing medicine, right? Doctor John Watson has a ring to it.” He chuckled lightly, John laughing with him.

“As does Detective Inspector Lestrade,” John shot back with a merry smile.

“Aye, it does,” Lestrade grinned at him. “Well, see you tomorrow.” He smiled. Both of them had had rather long early exams, meaning that they had to have dinner in between them.

“Yeh, tomorrow,” John replied as Lestrade went into his room. John went to his own, pushing open the door with a sigh. It felt so empty without- Sherlock!

“Sherlock!”John hadn’t expected to see the tall boy sitting at the desk that had once been his, staring at the door intently. Waiting, obviously. For him. How strange. Out of pattern. Normally John was the one that did the visiting.

“John,” Sherlock offered him a smile before grabbing his arm and pulling him further into the room. Towards his bed. “I’ve missed you.”

“Really? Because it’s only been a day, Sher,” John chuckled as Sherlock pushed him onto the bed.

“Yes, really,” Sherlock retorted, grabbing one of the chairs and putting it against the door. To stop people from getting in. Probably a necessary precaution. Didn’t want anyone finding Sherlock here. Or they’d both be in a whole lot of trouble.

John was rather shocked at the hunger with which Sherlock kissed him. Their lips moved together so passionately, so perfectly. It allowed John just to forget. To pretend that there was nothing else going on in the world. Sherlock was his world. God, how had he not realised it before. Sherlock was his world. Without Sherlock he was nothing. Nothing at all.

This kiss, a single kiss, it sparked all these emotions in John. Made his mind fuzzy, confused. It seemed people were right when they said that love was a drug. He found himself greedily tangling his tongue with Sherlock’s, moaning into his mouth. God he wanted more. So much more.

John hadn’t noticed that while they were kissing their positions had changed. John was no longer sitting on the bed but rather in Sherlock’s lap, facing the raven haired boy. John’s legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands were around Sherlock’s neck.

They pulled away momentarily to stare at each other. Both breathing rather heavily. John slowly began to unbutton Sherlock’s shirt, the purple one that made him look even sexier than normal. If that was even possible. John wasn’t sure it was. He stared at Sherlock’s pale chest, trying to calm himself down. How had he gotten so lucky? Sherlock was just... perfect.

Once he had pulled off Sherlock’s shirt he allowed Sherlock to do the same for him. John let out a slight moan as Sherlock began to run his hands up and down John’s back, moving them round to the front to touch his muscles. Then their lips collided again. John felt complete when he was with Sherlock. Complete like he never had before.

Then they stopped kissing. He wasn’t sure why. Sherlock suddenly flipped John round so he was lying on the bed. Sherlock staying sitting, on John in fact, staring down at him. John felt a slight smile flicker across his lips as Sherlock’s eyes roamed down his body. Then their eyes once again gazed into each other.

“I know how to bring down JM,” Sherlock spoke quietly, with a light smile. “It’s all sorted. I know what he wants and I know how to end the game.”

“Good,” John whispered. “Please tell me... It doesn’t involve you getting hurt does it? John felt concern shoot through him as Sherlock hesitated before answering. Please let that answer be no, please.

“No, I’ll be fine.” That was a relief. John sighed slightly, arms loosely wrapping around Sherlock’s neck.

“Do you need my help? With anything?”

“No,” Sherlock shook his head. “After this it will all be fine... We’ll go to university and the game with be over.” John tilted his head. It looked like Sherlock was trying to convince himself. John didn’t really like that. Wasn’t he sure about what was going to happen? He had to be. He was Sherlock Holmes after all. Genius and soon to be the only consulting detective in the world.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Sherlock moved in to kiss him, stretching out to lie on John. John let his eyes closed as their lips moved. Perfection. He wanted no one else but Sherlock. Sherlock was his life.

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