Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

After a surprisingly long talk with Mrs Hudson (it wasn’t like she knew anything) the headmaster finally called Sherlock and James in. They were ordered to sit in the two rather uncomfortable chairs facing the desk behind which Mr Hunter sat.

“Mr Brook, Mr Holmes, you both know why you’re here,” his tone was overly stern. Sherlock almost rolled his eyes. But that would have broken his cold mask. “Now, Sherlock, could you please retell how you came to find those items in James’ room.”

“I was going to ask him for some notes, as I seemed to have misplaced my own,” Sherlock lied easily. “He wasn’t there but I noticed the box on his bed. Sally had been complaining about how her ring had gone missing. I noticed that.” Mr Hunter nodded with a frown.

“I hid the box under m bed,” James put in, flashing a smirk in Sherlock’s direction.

“You do not deny that you stole those items?” Mr Hunter narrowed his eyes.

“Oh no, I stole all the items,” James drawled, hazel eyes flashing to look at Sherlock whose fast brain was trying to process what was going on. Trying to work it all out. He really hated the feeling of not knowing. “Why would I not admit to that?” There was a hidden meaning behind his words. There had to be. Mr Hunter nodded slightly, turning his attention to Sherlock.

“Do you wish to explain yourself?”

Sherlock pursed his lips. He really did not want to tell the headmaster all that he had found out. But he would undoubtedly have to.

“Well, James was the main suspect for the new thieveries,” Sherlock began calmly. “You see, these thieveries, the earlier ones and the murder are all interconnected. The first thieveries are a common occurrence over the years and each on make the message I o u a fall. It was quite easy to decipher. From this came another code and message. The final problem alive. This is what led me to find the items in the biology room.” All he and John had gotten from their efforts was a detention. “They were in the exact same room as where Tom was murdered. Now of the five years this was the first time it looked like murder. You see, he was one of the people who had items stolen. The first message was for him. He was being threatened, by a man named JM. He wasn’t the first either. Remember Carl Powers? Murdered. Caitlin Sinclair? Murdered. Now in the murder room there was a message scratched onto the wall. Numbers that fit into the code. I o u a fall showing that they are inexplicably linked.” That wasn’t the full message. It was actually I O U a fall Sherlock. “Now, when more items went missing it was obvious that Sebastian Moran was not JM. Just an assassin, rather. There were two suspects for who was the new culprit. James or Irene Adler. So I went to ask James for some notes, meaning to glance about, but seeing that he wasn’t there I took the opportunity to look around. And thus I found the items.” Which had been planted for a reason, they had to have been. But why? Oh! Obvious, obvious. A clue to who James Moriarty was.

This was easy.

“Thank you, Sherlock,” Mr Hunter frowned. “But all I required was that you looked in James’ room. That is very much against school policy. But I will let you off with just a warning this time. Best behaviour until the end of the year or there will be severe consequences. Understand?” Sherlock gave a tight nod. “Good, you are dismissed.

Sherlock paused a moment before standing swiftly and sweeping out of the door. Thoughts flew through his brain. Calculating. Reaching conclusions. He entered his room and promptly collapsed on his bed. Eyes closed, fingers pressed together under his chin. Not saying anything to John, who was studying.

He lay there for quite a while, brow furrowed in concentration. Clue to who JM was... that had to be why the items were so easily found. They were in the room of... Yes! That was it! Obvious, so obvious. Why had he not seen that before? JM. Ha, it was so easy. So what did the M stand for...?

“Sherlock, are you alright? What happened?” Sherlock heard a slight creaking as someone knelt onto his bed. His eyes flickered open to stare into a pair of marvellous deep blue ones. John’s. Sherlock let a light smile flicker across his lips.

“I’m fine,” Sherlock murmured. “Not much happened. I got a warning or whatever for going into James’ room. Anyway, this was another part of the game. A clue to who JM is. James M. What the M stands for...” Sherlock trailed off.

“You don’t know?” John chuckled. “How about you rest that giant brain of yours for a bit?”

“I don’t-” Sherlock didn’t get to finish that sentence. He was cut off by John’s face moving closer to his, their lips merging in a kiss. It felt so good. John was actually sitting on Sherlock as they tongue wrestled, his hands at the sides of Sherlock’s head. Sherlock wrapped his arms around John’s waist to pull him closer. The kissing got more passionate as Sherlock let his hands slide under John’s shirt. He broke the kiss to pull it off before returning his lips to John’s. John had tangled one hand into Sherlock’s hair. He let out a low moan as Sherlock began to run his hands up and down his bare chest. Suddenly Sherlock flipped the so he was on top. He pulled away to stare down at the gorgeous body beneath him. This just felt right.

It was perfection.

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