Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Seriously regretting his friend choice

Yet another year of school. Only two more years and finally he could go to university. John was looking forward to that very much. And he would go to university even if his dad wanted him to join the army. John had only one dream. To become a doctor. To help people in a way only they could.

A light smile dawned on his lips as John approached a small group hanging in the entrance hall. His friends. Sort of.

"Morning." His greeting was casual, accompanied by a slight to each person. There was Greg Lestrade, the leader (sort of) of the group. He and John got on well enough. Sally Donovan just irked John, as did Anderson (who went by nothing but his surname). Then there was Molly Hooper. A sweet girl, she wanted to go into medicine like John. He liked her. She was sixteen, though a year younger and a year below the rest of them.

"How were you holidays, John?" Molly smiled p sweetly at him, brown eyes genuinely shining.

John shrugged noncommittally, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black trousers. "Good enough, I guess. Dad enrolled me into an army course... Yours?" Molly blinked slightly, before smiling again.

"Mine? Good. They were good. I spent some time helping in the hospital..."

"Cool." John nodded before his blue gaze flickered to Lestrade.

"You know if there's any new boy in the year? I hope so. Otherwise I'm in a room with... James." The grimace on his face was one of near hatred. The boy his shared his dorm had left the school due to bullying from James. Had almost committed suicide. If John hated anyone it was James Brook.

"Truthfully I don't know," Lestrade answered with an almost sorry shrug. "You'll just have to wait and see, eh?" The laugh at the end was teasing. Sally rolled her eyes.

"At least your not in a dorm with Irene Adler." Acid often in her tone practically dripped from her words.

"Surprisingly that's not possible considering, you know, the gender differences," John retorted, snorting in a rather exasperated manner. Molly opened her mouth as if to contribute something but quickly closed it again. Staying silent, a thing she often did.

"Really? Because I was under the impression that you were-" Lestrade cut Sally off before she got any further by clearing his throat. Anderson just sniggered. John bit his lip, one hand clenched into a fist in his pocket. Why did he hang out with these people?

"John, Anderson, how 'bout we go check out our new rooms?" Lestrade spoke quickly, obviously wanting to break up whatever fight that would build up. John was generally a nice guy but could get violent... he'd gotten into a few fights before.

"Yeh, sure," John shrugged with a sigh, no longer paying any attention to Sally. Lestrade nodded, heading off swiftly with Anderson in tow. John offered Molly a goodbye smile.

"Have fun with Irene!" He couldn't helped but add, smirking at Sally with a light laugh before jogging to catch up with Lestrade and Anderson.

"So we've finally escaped dorm corridor 220!" John exclaimed with an exaggerated sigh of relief once he reached his fellow pupils. "Good bye matron Miss Wilson and hello Mrs Hudson!" He grinned at Lestrade, not so much at Anderson. "Which room are the two of you in?"

"221a," Lestrade replied calmly, a light smile playing with the corners of his lips.

"Next door then! So if I am indeed with... James... I can escape to your room," John nodded as if it was all settled.

"Sure," Lestrade made a shrugging motion, stopping as they reached a back door with 221a nailed onto it in brass letters. Anderson showed his displeasure by just pushing past and storming into the room.

"See you at dinner," Lestrade offered before following his roommate. John just sniggered and headed along the corridor to the next door on the left. Time to see who his roommate really was.

John opened the door slowly, careful to not allow it to make so much as a creak. His gaze quickly flickered around the room before zoning in on the other person there. The boy had his back to the door, seemingly hunched over a laptop. Black curls sat atop his head, surprisingly neat, and he wore a jacket that definitely was not within the uniform guidelines. He had a rather cold and almost mysterious aura, seeming to float around so it was quite obvious. Beyond that John could not tell a thing about this boy.

At least it wasn't James Brook.

John glanced to the side, noting something that seemed to be protruding from a rather large suitcase. Some kind of instrument; probably a violin or a viola. So his roommate was a musician. Shrugging slightly to himself John stepped into the room and cleared his throat.

"Hello! I'm John Watson, nice to meet you. Welcome to St Bart's! Who might you be?"

The silver-blue-green eyes that spun around to meet his seemed to tear him apart until only his soul was on show. They were cold, so cold; a mask. Covering something else. A secret, perhaps? His feelings? John did not know. He had no time to ponder before he got a curt answer.

"Sherlock Holmes."

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