Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

You can’t be serious

They were looking through Sherlock’s stuff. The bloody policemen were looking through Sherlock’s stuff. John had thought when they left last night to chase after Sherlock that they would never come back. He certainly didn’t want to say another policeman ever again in his life. Not after what happened yesterday. They were going to arrest Sherlock! He hadn’t even done anything! John knew because he had been with Sherlock the whole time.

Now he was being forced to study with these people making a complete and utter racket. It was quite hard to retain the various Chemistry facts with all the noise. The current situation didn’t help. The fact that his mind kept wandering. He was worried. Very worried. About Sherlock, where he was. What he was doing. How was he going to get food or sleep safely? He could have been murdered for all John knew. No, this definitely was not the best studying atmosphere.

And they were still here. The two policemen were still here. Gathered around Sherlock’s suitcase. Oh God. What had they found? If it was the nicotine patches... But those weren’t exactly illegal substances or something. No, they weren’t. He didn’t even know that the policemen were looking for. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Because if someone had planted Lestrade’s phone in Sherlock’s pocket who knew what else there could be?

That was another constant reminder. Sherlock’s coat and scarf still hung over his chair. Left in his rush to flee. Sherlock never went anywhere without them. Not until now. Not when the circumstances called for it. John felt hate rush through him. Hate directed at Sally and Anderson. They were at fault here. They had caused this. If Sally had kept her big mouth shut instead of accusing Sherlock of stealing all the items.

“Did you know that your roommate was in possession of these?” John turned to face the policeman, annoyed at the interruption to his attempts at revising. Shock suddenly shot through his mind at what was in the policeman’s hand. A clear bag filled with a white powder. And a needle in a plastic packet. Oh God. Sherlock hadn’t... no. In the entire time they had been together he hadn’t taken drugs. He hadn’t even smoked since Christmas. He had once done drugs, that was beyond doubt. But not recently.

“No,” John replied sharply. “But he did not use them nor did he have any chance to get them. They aren’t his.”

“I’m afraid the facts contradict that, son.” John stiffened. The policeman had no right to call him son. He was performing an investigation that was about to ruin John’s best friend’s, no boyfriend’s, life.

John said nothing in reply to that, turning back to his revision coldly.

“I also found these.” That was the other policeman speaking. John turned his head discretely to see. Sheets of paper. They were fussing over bits of... Oh. They were the exam papers. How had they ended up in Sherlock’s suitcase? Actually, John didn’t want to know. He really didn’t want to know.

John only left his room a few times the rest of the day. For lunch and for dinner. That was it. He refused to speak to Lestrade when he popped by, claiming he was revising. When he was sure that nobody else was going to enter his room he put down his pen and headed for his bed. Lying down he pulled out his mobile.

Where r u? –JW

He quickly sent the message to Sherlock, frowning slightly. Staring at the phone screen until it lit up with the announcement of a message.

Guess –SH

This isn’t funny. Tell me –JW

John glared at his phone, as if his glare would get through to Sherlock. At least the other boy was safe. At least he assumed so.

The clearing –SH

The clearing! Why hadn’t John thought of that? He hopped up, grabbing his coat as he typed a reply.

Need anything? –JW

Yes. My coat and my coat. –SH

Food? –JW

No –SH

John frowned. He didn’t care if Sherlock said he didn’t need any food. He would bring some anyway. John grabbed an apple and a packet of biscuits he had planned to eat for snack but never did, stuffing them in his pockets. He also picked up his half full water bottle before collecting Sherlock’s jacket and scarf. All set.

John opened his door slowly, peering out. Making sure there was no one about before he crept down the corridor then slipped out the fire exit. John swiftly made his way towards the clearing. Glad that the sun had not yet crept behind the horizon. Because then he would have had no idea how to get to the clearing.

He reached it to find that it was empty. Strange. Very strange.

“Sherlock? Sherlock!” He shouted, spinning around. Worried. He heard a thump and spun around to see Sherlock walking away from a tree towards John. He’d obviously been up it. Weirder things had happened.

“John,” Sherlock smiled. He looked reasonably pleased to see John. Which was good. Or maybe it was just his jacket and scarf he was glad to see. Sherlock grabbed these off John, pulling them both on. Then he rummaged in his coat’s pocket before pulling out a packet of nicotine patches. He rolled up his sleeves to slap on three patches. He let out a sigh of relief.

“I thought that you’d never come,” he commented, watching John carefully. John just rolled his eyes, handing Sherlock the food and water bottle.

“In case you get hungry or thirsty.”

“I won’t.”

“You never know. You could be here for a while.” John frowned. “They found drugs in your suitcase. And the exam papers. You weren’t... were you?”

“No, of course not,” Sherlock snorted, looking almost disgusted that John would suggest it. “That’s exactly what JM wants. Everyone to believe that I’m a cheat, thief, murderer and that I take drugs. Everyone is so easy to manipulate. You’re beginning to doubt me, aren’t you? You think I did all that.” Sherlock’s tone went from calm to aggressive in the space of a few seconds. John took a step back, shaking his head frantically.

“No. No I am definitely not. I don’t believe any of it. Someone planted those in our room.”

“At least someone sees sense,” Sherlock breathed out heavily through his nose. “JM. It was JM.”

“Are you sure?”

“Certain. But how can I stop this? There must be a way!”

“Anything I can do to help?” John tried to sound earnest. He truly wanted to help. He just didn’t know how to.

“Yes...” Sherlock suddenly looked vulnerable. He changed so quickly. “Help me forget, John. Even if it’s only for a while.” John smiled softly.

“I will.” Then he crashed his lips against Sherlock’s.

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