Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Wrong accusations

The weeks went by after Sherlock was accused of cheating. People whispered behind his back, rumour spread and dirty looks came his way but soon all that ceased as exams approached. People were concentrating on studying and their results rather than concerning themselves with what the freak did. John's first exam came around. Biology. An especially critical one.

"I think I did pretty well on that exam," John frowned slightly, blue eyes flashing to the tall boy beside him. He looked as calm as ever. Damn, how did he do that?! They'd just come out of an incredibly important exam. If John didn't get an A then he was stuffed when it came to university. But of course his companion was the wonderful Sherlock Holmes. He found things like this easy.

"You'll have done fine," Sherlock smiled slightly, walking slower than normal. In no rush to get back to their room. "You're smarter than most." Wait, did Sherlock just compliment him? Sherlock never offered praise. To anyone. Especially when it involved calling them smart. Then again, John guessed that he hasn't really. He was comparing his intelligence to other people who, in Sherlock's opinion, were all idiots.

"Thanks, I guess," John glanced up at his friend with a bright smile. "You're getting better at being nice."

"I am? I'd better change that," Sherlock chuckled lightly before pausing. "Wait, I need to go to our Chemistry classroom." He glanced at John, eyes asking what he would not put into words.

"I'm sorry, Sherlock, but I have to go study," John shrugged slightly. Sherlock sighed.

"Fine, see you later." Sherlock glanced around to check that no one was in sight before leaning into to quickly peck John on the lips. John blushed slightly, shifting on his feet.

"Yeh. Don't blow anything up."

"I won't!" Sherlock called back as he walked away, his laughter music to John's ears. John smirked slightly before continuing on his way back to his rooms. The door was slightly ajar, which raised suspicions, so he entered quickly.

"What is going on?" Lestrade and Sally were crowded together, chatting rather hurriedly. Why on earth were they in his room?! Without permission. Standing on Sherlock's side of the room. Right beside his coat (which he had not been allowed to wear into the exam).

"Well," Lestrade began with a deep frown, worry creasing his forehead. "I came back to my room to find that my phone was missing. Anderson called it and the ringtone sounded from in here. It was in Sherlock's pocket, John."

"What?!" Shock flashed across John's face. How? Someone had framed Sherlock. That much was obvious and you didn't have to be a genius to work it out. "But Sherlock has been with me the whole day. He is not a thief."

"I'm afraid that's what it looks like, John," Lestrade looked sympathetic. He had grown quite... Fond of Sherlock. Friendly. If that was even possible. "Anderson has already gone to get Mrs Hudson."

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