A dare gone wrong

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Author's Note:

Hello guys! So here are the next few chapter in which jessica decides her mind which you will have to read and find out.

I would specially like to thank my friend Carina by name "oh_its just me" for helping me out. Read her book "Broken"too... It's amazing!

For now ENJOY.....


Jessica's P.O.V.

When Zayn entered Louis pulled back, I was left expressionless and i could feel guilt running down my body.

"How could you?" Zayn whispered in anger with his eyes red and watery.

"I, it was just a dare" I hesitated, but replied looking in his blood red eyes.

"A dare? Yeah a good excuse to CHEAT on me with one of my BESTFRIEND. Wow. You've got some game." He snapped, till then I could feel the cold tears running down my cheeks, I just stood still looking at Zayn that how could he kiss a brunette himself and shout on me for just a dare? i tried to say something but then i just couldn't.

He turned his eyes on Louis, "and you? What a pathetic excuse of MY BEST FRIEND that you had the balls to kiss MY GIRLFRIEND."He shouted

"Dude it was just a dare" Harry tried to calm him

"Shut up, we know that he has bits for Jess." Zayn shouted and I was shocked I didn't know about Louis' feelings. I was crying, watching me cry Harry came and hugged me and cried even louder. I guess till then Louis was really embarrassed. I didn't wanted any sort of drama over me so I ran back to my room. I slammed the door and Locked it, I never felt so hurt, never in my life. My knees felt weaker than ever and just lay on the floor crying for hours and as my crying got smoother I fell asleep.

"Jessica? Are you okay?" I heard Harrys voice, as I got from the floor I felt a jerk I'm my neck. I whipped my tears I could see the mascara was turned into black cold tears.

"Yah, I'm okay" I replied

"Open up, I need to see you" Harry insisted

"It's just you?" I asked hoping that it's be no one else.

"I promise" he said, "now open up"

"Yeah, wait" I said

I opened the door and I let him in, he held a tray with food and lemonade. He kept the tray on table and said, "you have to eat"

I locked the door and answered "no, I'm not hungry" I said sitting on the bed.

"Keep lying to yourself" he said sitting next to me

"I never felt this broken in my life Harry, and trust me when I say broken. The guy with that quiff wasn't Zayn. The way he looked me in eyes with that anger, it wasn't just you know the guy I fell in love with, it was like a completely different version of him, the version I never knew or I never came across." I said with tears falling down.

"I'm sorry" Harry said "I don't know what to say" he said pulling me into a side hug.

"I think I should get away with this, I need to think. I need time and space. I wouldn't be able to think when I'm living in the same house as they both are" I said resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't understand?" He asked

"I'm gonna move out." I paused and none of us said anything.....

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