Reconciling with Justin

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"I'm gonna move out." I paused and none of us said anything.......

"When I left, I made Justin really angry, I wanna sort out things with him as well, he's on tour I guess but I need him the most right now." I said

"I don't want to say this, but I guess I have to. It's good, that you decided that." He said smiling "come on my little jess , lets eat"

After that Harry and I spend some time together eating. He got me my bags from the store and left me alone. I guess I needed that the most.

I kept the empty bag on my bed and start to put all my stuff in it, well most it, I didn't know that whether I was gonna come back or not.

Finally when the bag was packed I, I kept it near the door.

Checking all my stuff and i saw a photo. I hugged Zayn and my photo. The photo that boys clicked when I slept in his arms for the first time doing nothing but sleeping. I lay on the bed crying and hugging that photo even tighter. With that I slept.

"Good morning sunshine" I heard Harry and I got up.

"Morning" I said getting up

"The frame? Are you gonna take it?" He asked

"Haven't thought about that"

"I have some news, Justin is back in town and in his own apartment, not in mom's but his so you should go there, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be ready with in 30 minutes"

"See you"

He said and left. I went in the bathrooms and stripped all my clothes. I took a hot water shower.

I wore a loose Denim dress with a brown belt on it, it came till my mid-thigh. When I stepped out of my room I could see zayn and Louis' room closed, I quietly moved out and Harry was already waiting for me in his car. He drove me to Justin's house.

"This is not an apartment!" I said amazed

"Oh yeah." He replied.

We both got off and he took my bag from the car, I gave a hug and gutted myself to see Justin. That was another task.

And that wasn't Justin's house it was his Grandparents house, but they were in Italy as far as I knew. I stepped in the beautiful garden moving to the door step.

I rung the bell, he opened the door. "Jess?" He said and hugged me. This was not i expected. "You knucklehead, I missed you, come in" he pulled and let me in.

"I'm so sorry Justin, I was-" he didn't let me complete

"I know, it's okay, it's been long or lets say it feels that it's been long, just forget about that okay?" I'm glad you're back" He hugged again.

After an hour if chit chatting I moved in a room. The room was huge with a balcony. I kept my bag somewhere near the dressing table and started to cry to myself. I was the problem, and If I knew that I was the problem I would've left them, seems mean but I couldn't see them break and being the reason of it.

I started to scratch myself, I never felt this low in my life. I loved Zayn and I also loved Louis, this might seem very twilight-ish but this is my life I'm talking about.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and went out and sat in the living room, I couldn't see Justin anywhere. "Jess?" I heard his voice, he must've upstairs looking for me.

"I'm down here Justin" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me.

"There you are, what are you doing tonight, wanna go out?" He asked sitting next to me

"I- I'm not willing to go anywhere" I replied with my gaze falling to the floor

"Jess? What's up with you?" He asked coming close, "you don't seem yourself."

"No-nothing" I calmed myself, trying not to cry.

"Come on, don't hide your tears" he said pulling me in a side and then I just couldn't stop and started crying. He hugged me tighter. After that he made us two cups of coffee and I told him everything.

"Oh my god, why didn't you call me?" He was shocked

"I thought you were angry, the way I left" I said looking at the cup in my hand

"Come on. You're a bird with your own wishes, I can't just put you in a cage, but when you fly you will have problems, you might not come back but that doesn't mean I'll not be there for you" He said making me feel a little better.

Justin was always a mood maker for me. Then none of us said anything. I wished him goodnight with a kiss on the cheek.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me, I opened my bag threw all the clothes to find that one thing which would make me feel better, Zayn's shirt. I wore it and I silently cried to myself. I was feeling so confused that I couldn't just explain anything, I wish I would've listened to Justin and never left, it's not that I'm regretting it, I'm just confused, I know I love Zayn but I don't wanna loose Louis..

Who's it gonna be jess? I asked myself falling deep Into sleep.

The One For Me( 1D fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora