Caught Kissing

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As promised the second chappie :)


*Next morning*

In the morning only ,when Pattie was leaving to be at her sister for her wedding arrangement Harry officially asked her to be his girlfriend with a rose from the garden. It was too sweet.

At that time too only Zayn was on my mind. He hadn't returned home last night and even boys didn't know where he was.

I decided to check online if I get any information from paparazzi or the fans who upload. And there it was the most shocking thing

I just shrieked and started crying. I could hear steps running towards my room

All the boys were there

"What happened?"

" are you alright?" Rest was all blur

I don't know who spoke what I was in shock

Louis saw my laptop screen on which there were pictures of Zayn in a pub totally drunk and kissing another brunette.

Louis hugged me very tightly

"He..he told m.. Me to trust him, could he?" I said in between the sobbing

I felt really dizzy and I didn't remember anything else

Next thing I knew was that I was In my room with Louis on my side

I looked at him with questioning eyes" you fainted and we took you to your room " he explained " now get up you need to eat something you are too weak. I just shook my head and turned on the other side. He didn't even said a word and instead lifted me up and took me downstairs. I wanted to protest but I didn't have enough strength. He forcefully fed me up with juice and muffin.

Till that time all the boys were downstairs and understood me and didn't even ask any uncomfortable question.

"Harry please don't tell Pattie about this, she already has too much on her plate right now"

He quietly nodded. To break the awkward silence out of the blue Niall said " hey let's play something "

"Truth or dare, no dare or dare only" Harry suggested

I was really not in the mood to play anything so I tried to sneak upstairs but the boys came up with all making puppy faces to which I could never say no.

"Ok you guys lets play"

The bottle landed on Niall " okay Niall give a lap dance to Harry" Liam said

Well Harry didn't mind for sure. It was a very entertains to watch specially their expressions

"oh yes !" Harry said jokingly spanking Niall on his butt.

Next was Louis's turn "lick Nutella from my armpit" Niall said "or kiss jessica " Harry added

I looked towards Harry with like trying to scare him with my eyes

"Oh common it's just a dare"

"Sorry Jess " with that Louis kissed me. And as if queued like in a movie Zayn enters with his expressions quickly changing from from sad to aggressive ones

Oh oh (and Que. the dramatic music- dum dum dum.....)


So what do you guys think?

Breakup or make up?

Louis or Zayn ?

Comment and tell me how do you want it to go further:)

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