Pattie's B'day ( 2 )

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Next day I called aunt Pattie and Wished her Happy B'day. I convinced her to go for a movie with me

The plan was that while I would distract Pattie and keep her away from her house, the boys will decorate it in the mean time

So we did go for a movie but I could see Pattie was upset because Justin hadn't call yet. The Justin I know would never ever forget or miss his moms b'day. May be he 'll call later

After the movie finished I texted guys to be ready and we will reach home in 10

As Pattie opened the door 5 gorgeous boys in tuxedo were standing and started singing Happy B'day

I must admit they all looked very handsome. I couldn't get my eyes off Zayn and he noticed that. After finishing the song he strode towards me and in a husky voice said " like what you see? Huh!" I couldnt help but blush again but I said " um nope ! Actually there is something on your hair" 

"What?!" he said with panic evident in his voice. He quickly picked up a spoon from the table and started checking his hair. I laughed uncontrollably and he gave me an ' You will pay back' look

I looked around and noticed house was well decorated mainly with pink color but was a good job seeing it was done by 5 boys 

We all sat around the table ready to cut the cake when suddenly the bell rang. Pattie opened the door and saw Justin standing there 

" surprise" he shouted 

The happiness on Pattie's face was priceless. I ran towards him and hugged him 

" hey lil sis thanx for taking care of her" he said referring to Pattie 

" anytime! She is like a mother to me" 

At this Pattie was literally on the verge of tears and hugged us both  

"Aww" boys said  

" come here you all" Pattie said and we group hugged

We all celebrated but the sad part was that Justin was going the next night 

After sometime Louis said " Jess we should go now, shifting your stuff will take time"  

With that Justin became alert" what ?where and Why are you shifting?"  

I then explained him everything 

" WHAT? You are going to live with 5 boys?" he said like a over protective brother 

Louis interrupted" not any 5 boys , with one direction"  

" no offense guys but I can't allow that"  

"but what about my project?" I asked  

" I don't care about any project no means no" he said firmly 

"I am independent I can make my own decisions " I answered back 

" for the last time No means No" he fired back

With that I walked out of the house towards my house

I heard some footsteps behind me but didn't bother to turn around and see who it was


So what do you think will happen?  

Will she listen to Justin and loose a chance to live with one direction or will she act like a rebel?

Comment and Vote!!:)

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