"Same with me."

Dad said they were after the Kumicho. Cut down every one of his bodyguards to do so.

"Why?" I asked.

He was some sort of creature. Dad doesn't know what he was. And the only detail he remembered was razor-sharp teeth.

"That really narrows it down," I said, drily.

Allison chuckled. He thinks a man named Katashi might know. He was going to take on these ninjas himself and Dad shot one of them with a silver bullet.

"You're kidding right?" Derek said. "He actually had a silver bullet?"

It's a rite of passage thing. He doesn't use them on a regular basis.

"I would expect not. Silver isn't exactly accurate."

Derek gave me an odd look.


"Did he kill it?" Anna asked.

No, he just shattered its mask. Dad, Isaac, and I are going to track down Katashi. I have a feeling they're going to try again tonight. If we can find out what they are, maybe we can find out why they're targeting the pack. Allison hung up.

"What do we do until then?" Anna asked.

"You're going to school."



"Did I just hear you right?" I asked. Derek was still at my house and had checked the genny to see what the ninjas did to it while I picked up the mess I'd made in the living room fighting them off. "You want to stalk Scott?"

"And Kira and your sister. They looked right at them, Trish. One or all of them could be next."

"But why Kira?"

Derek didn't answer again.

"Are we back to this? What do you know?"

"Kira is one of us. She's a supernatural creature as well." He then gave me a curious look. "You're not questioning them targeting Anna?"


"Because Anna has some abilities. We just haven't figured out what she is yet. But I really don't think it's Eamonn. Her abilities would have manifested before now."

Derek motioned towards the door and I sighed. Why the hell not? Stalking sounded like a fun thing to do today and I really didn't have anything better to do than follow three teenagers around Beacon Hills.


We watched the school all day.

"I really don't think they're going to show up at the school in the middle of the day," I said.

"We still don't know what they are."

"I'm afraid my bestiary doesn't have anything titled Demon Ninja." I saw a smirk of a smile on Derek's face. "I haven't seen one of those on you for a while."

"I think I'm finally beginning to accept my place in Beacon Hills. I wasn't cut out to be an Alpha. Giving that up for Cora was the best decision of my life."

Of Wolves and Foxes (Beacon Hills Chronicles Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now