Girls Are Still Better

Start from the beginning

‘I've already told you, Harry. It turns me on.’ she laughed. 

Harry was so glad she was able to laugh about it. She told him once, that there was no point being upset about it. He can't change it so why sulk over it. Sometimes he couldn’t help it, but he could try.

‘How much?’ he asked.



‘Uh huh.’

Harry grinned and washed her back.

When they were both out and washed and dried Harry decided that it was a long time since their first time. He smiled at Ginny, who had once again, insisted on putting on his quidditch shirt. 

‘Think I'm dangerous, then?’ he said, lying on the bed in only his boxers.

‘A little, you know. Average.’

‘Hmm. I think I'm a bit more than average.’

‘Really? Well then, I’ll have to look that one up. Haven’t heard of you ever being dangerous. Harry?’


‘You know danger turns me on. What about you?’


‘What turns you on?’

‘Well, I don’t know. You?’

‘Yeah, obviously! But in general, what things do you look for?’

Harry thought for a minute and said. ‘Sense of humour.’


‘Big boobs.’ Harry joked.

‘They better not! I'm totally flat!’ she moaned.

‘No your not!’

‘Yes I am!’ she tried to stick her breasts out a little. ‘Look!’

‘I am, and your not! But I really think you should come over here, just so that I can check.’

‘You think so?’

‘Yeah, I need a good feel, just to make sure.’

‘Yeah, well. I do need a second opinion.’ Ginny walked seductively over to him and sat on his knee, facing him.’ 

Harry looked at her. ‘They look pretty good to me, but maybe I need a better look.’

‘Yeah.’ Ginny said. ‘Pulling Harry’s top off her. She was totally naked. 

Harry grinned as she pushed him onto his bed.


About twenty minutes after arranged, Harry and Ginny rushed downstairs, dressed and ready for dinner. Hermione was sitting on one of the sofas; Ron was lying with his head on her lap, sleeping. She was stroking his hair, smiling to herself. 

‘What are you so happy about?’ Ginny asked.

‘Oh nothing. You two finally ready? I've been waiting ages!’

‘Yeah. Waken sleeping beauty there because I'm starving!’ Harry said.

Hermione leaned down and kissed Ron's lips. Ginny and Harry made retching noises. 

Hermione snapped. ‘I don’t know why you are doing that, especially with what you two were almost definitely doing up there!’

They both grinned and Harry grabbed a pillow and launched it and Ron. It hit him smack on the face and he got up like a lightening bolt.

‘What? Who’s that?’ he pulled out his wand.

‘Sssh Ron. It’s just Harry. Come on, we’re going for dinner.’ she soothed.

He put away his wand and tried to fix himself up before going to the great hall. 

Ten minutes later, the four were sitting at the Gryffindor table eating pork chops and mashed potatoes. Harry made a comment on the award that they were supposed to be getting the next day.

‘Ooh! I really hope it’s a book about becoming an auror! That would be so interesting!’

Ron snorted. ‘I think I’ll be impressed whatever it is because when she told us earlier I thought it was extra chocolate – and I was ecstatic!’ 

They all laughed. Ginny looked up from her plate. ‘I don’t have a clue what its going to be. I mean, Erin is pretty random. It could be extra chocolate, it could be books and it could be a visit from the bloody English quidditch team!’

‘Yeah,’ Harry agreed, laughing. ‘But I really hope it has something to do with being an auror. I'm really dead set on it now.’

‘Yeah, it’s the only thing I'm interested in.’ Ron said. 

Hermione nodded. ‘I would have usually kept my options open but this time, the only thing I've researched is being an auror! I know it’s awful but I don’t want to be anything else.’

‘It's not awful, Hermione. You’re just being normal. Even if you don’t get to be an auror, which you will, you’re still going to have all the newts you’ve taken. Anywhere will accept you!’ Ginny told her.

‘Thanks Ginny, but I'm saying that I don’t think I’ll be satisfied with any other job.’

‘Me too.’ Harry said. ‘I've wanted to be one since I knew what it meant!’

They all laughed and Ginny asked Hermione, ‘what did you want to be when you were a muggle?’

‘I think I wanted to be a policewoman but I wasn’t sure. I never ever want to be a dentist!’

Harry laughed. Neither Ron nor Ginny got it but they didn’t notice. Ginny turned to Harry, ‘what about you?’

‘I wanted to be in the army. I just wanted to be doing outdoor stuff, like we were doing today.’

‘Yeah, that would be cool.’ Hermione said.

Ron looked up as if he had just got a flash of inspiration. ‘What date is it, Harry?’

‘Um? December?’

‘For goodness sake Ron and Harry! You don’t know what date it is?’


‘It's the fifteenth of December! Why?’

‘When do we get off school?’

‘Nineteenth. We are leaving on Friday.’

‘Cool. I hope we’re there in time for Tonks’ baby.’

‘Yeah! I totally forgot!’

‘I hope it's a girl.’ Ginny said.

‘No way! They need a boy!’ Ron argued.

‘Why do they need a boy?’ Hermione asked, sounding rather annoyed.

‘Because then we can teach him to play quidditch!’

‘Girls can play quidditch too.’ Ginny argued.

‘Yeah well. If it's a boy, we can teach it to curse!’

‘I curse.’

‘Yeah but Ginny, you’re not a normal girl.’ Ron said.

‘What is that supposed to mean?’

‘It means you are a bit of a TOMBOY, nothing bad!’ 

‘Oh…okay…yeah, I am a bit. But girls are still better.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now