Chapter 37

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**Maddie’s POV**


The next morning I wake before everyone else and creep downstairs. I slip out into the warm street and walk down to the corner shop two blocks away. Nobody else is there except for a young, tired looking muggle woman.

I walk through the shelves until I find what I’m looking for.

“That’ll be ten pounds twenty,” the woman says sounding bored. I pull out some muggle money and hand her a note with a twenty in the corner.

“Thank you, have a nice day,” she drones, handing me my change. I walk back into the street and head back home, feeling a bit nervous. I carefully open the door and slip inside.

“Good morning dear!”

I jump and spin around. Mrs Weasley is standing there.

“Oh, good morning,” I say, hiding my purchase behind my back.

“Are you alright?” she asks, “you look pale.”

“Fine,” I reply, “just tired. Went for a long walk.”

“Oh, that’s good dear,” she smiles, “nice to get some fresh air.”

“Yeah, it is,” I reply, “I’m just going to duck up and have a shower.”

I run up the stairs and into the bathroom. I lock the door and sigh. I place the box on the bathroom counter and step back, staring at it.

Home Pregnancy Test.

“It’s just a precaution,” I tell myself, “I’ve only been skipping because of stress. It’ll just set my mind at ease.”

I take a huge breath. There’s really no way I could be pregnant. It was just once. In never happens the first time.

“Nothing to worry about,” I say happily, totally convinced. I pull the weird looking thing out of the box.

“Ew,” I mutter, reading the instructions. Feeling slightly grossed out at the idea of peeing on this stick, I go about my business.

“After you have… Yeah… Wait five minutes,” I put down the lid of the toilet and sit on it. Suddenly someone knocks on the door.

“Hold it!” I call.

“I NEED TO GO!” Fred yells.

“HOLD IT!” I repeat. Four minutes left.

“MADDIE!” he groans. Three minutes.

I can hear him pacing up and down in front of the door. Two minutes.

I’m sure that my watch has slowed down.

One minute.

“Maddie, seriously!”

“Just WAIT!” I snap.

Fifty seconds.

Fred groans and stamps his foot.

Forty seconds.

“Fred, shut up,” George’s grumpy voice floats through the door.

Thirty seconds.

“Tell your girlfriend to hurry up!” Fred says, “I REALLY need to pee!”

Twenty seconds.

I hear George yawn and footsteps going down the stairs.

Ten seconds.

“What’s the hold up?” Ron’s voice asks.

Seven seconds.

“Maddie,” Fred says through clenched teeth.


“Why is everyone standing outside the bathroom?” Ginny joins Fred and Ron.


“We’re all waiting for Maddison,” Fred sounds really annoyed. Well, he can just wait.


“Oh… you know there’s a downstairs bathroom, right?”


I hear Fred disapparate.


“That was weird…”


I grab the stick and look at the little screen. It’s a little cross. I sigh with relief and grab the box. My heart stops.

A minus sign means negative.

The cross isn’t a cross. It’s a plus.

It means positive.

I’m pregnant.


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