and many more readers for their continuous support. Please forgive me if I have missed any of you. You all are such a sweet heart that my every thank you is small in front of your kind and praising words.

This second book is dedicated to all my fans of "Secret of the east". Well I have a confusion in my mind. I have three opening scenes of new book in my mind and I am in dilemma that which one to choose.



The rajmahal of Bhanugarh (Palace of Bhanugarh) is still lifeless and emotionless just like it has become forty years ago when the king has moved from its premises. Nothing regained its beauty after that. Spider cobs has made decorated most of the palace after that because of poor maintenance. The durbar (court) is empty just like its thrones of ministers and king. The huge chandelier in its center is hanging in the ceiling like an old man is waiting for someone with his old and wrinkled eyes. The garden which used to be like an oasis in the desert has become piece of dirt. Most of the trees of the so called orchard are dead.

The palace is looking like a widow in tattered white saree. The palace has started breathing again with the arrival of this young girl who looked like princess Sujata. The gardens has started thinking of welcoming spring season and the chandelier has started thinking that it will again glow like the old times. But least they knew that it is just their dream because this mirror image of Princess Sujata is heartbroken herself. She is withering herself by each passing day then how can she revive them.

She is standing in the north zone of the palace just in front of the dead orchard. She is coughing and vomiting while supporting herself by grabbing the little of nearest pillar.

"Aap thik to hain Rajkumari ji (Are you okay, princess)?" A deep velvety voice hit her ears and she felt alive once again.

The man was standing at some distance. His gaze was fixed at the girl who was leaning on the railing and throwing her gut contents on the soils of dead orchard. The hot summer air passed between them and bruised his cheeks. It must have bruised her soft skin, the leaves of few alive trees rustled in the background and dust has also moved from the earth but his gaze was fixed on only one person. The beautiful girl with almond color eyes who was staring back at him in surprise.


The dead bodies of palace guards have lined up the corridor. She searched frantically for Mrinal, she must be somewhere here.

"Mrinal!!!! Mrinal!!!!" She shouted her name numerous times but she didn't get any answer.

"Bhagwan, please Mrinal ko kuch nahi hona chahiye (God, please nothing should happen to Mrinal)" she comforted her heart but she knew Mrinal is in danger.

"Mujhe pata tha tum aaogi (I knew you will come)" the evil voice has made her stop in her tracks. Mrinal was in dazed state but she stared at her from her half opened eyes.

"We should not waste time in finishing the enemy, right" they laughed in unison and the next thing she heard was a gunshot.

The bullet should pierce her heart but why it didn't strike her yet. She opened her eyes to look at a running Mrinal whose bosom was colored with a hue of red.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo" her scream filled all the nook and corner of the palace.


"I have found her" his head snapped in the direction of the voice and his eyes twinkled.

"Where is she? Why didn't you bring it here? Have you killed Sam and her brother?" He asked her all the questions in one breathe.

"Its not easy. Sam has hided his children beneath my nose and I couldn't sense it." She slammed her fist on the table and the vase place on it jumped in air with the impact.

"That man was clever like a fox. Whenever I reached him, he used to fled away before that. I never knew how" he scowled remembering the days of his search for Sam and his kids but now the wait is over.

"When are we kidnapping her" An evil smile spread on his face.

"I have told you its not easy" she replied in fr


"That man has married her off" he waved her hand and started laughing. She scowled at him.

"Oh come on. that's not a big deal. We will kill her husband and in laws and take her here. Simple" She glared at him angrily on his childish thought.

"You know who is her husband and who are her in laws" He looked at her serious expression and stopped laughing.

"Who are her in laws?" He asked cautiously.

"Rose and James. Sam has married her off to Alex Miller, Rose's son AND HE LOVES HER A LOT!!!" he was stunned on hearing that. Rose will die but she would never let anyone harm Susie's daughter.

So friends, you have read all the three scenes. Please tell your opinion that which one should be the opening scene and also give the reason. I am waiting for your response. The scene which will get ten or more votes in its favor will become the opening scene.

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