The carpenters and electricians are almost done in Gracious Gardens. They say it'll take only three months maximum for Bobbi and Roberto to redecorate it if they really want to prioritize it beside school work. It shouldn't take too much of their time. Maybe sooner or later, depending on how much time they put into it.

Bobbi looks forward to the time as Homecoming and Nicholas' football game is around the same time. Waits anxiously for the workers to be done so she and Roberto can start work. Although, she isn't actually looking forward to working with Roberto.

When the carpenters are finished their part on the shop, Bobbi will make sure the work will be strict without falling behind on schedule. She doesn't see it being an issue because she has a feeling it will be all work and no talk on Roberto's behalf. Expects this as throughout school he's always found alone with a moody "I don't like you. Get out of my way" expression on his face, or from time to time talking to a girl. Keeps to himself but an attitude accompanies him whenever someone is on his path.

Bobbi doesn't know how he is in classes as he doesn't share any with her. Maybe he does but decides to skip. She takes it as him being the same in the halls: sitting at the back off the class, quiet and moody, until someone might ask for a pencil or a teacher asks him a question and he'll give attitude. She gets that vibe from him. Her vibes are always right.

In study hall, she researches how to decorate buildings. Writes down two lists: what needs to be done and what to buy. Still determined to feel more structured and organised, she looks for Roberto when the bell rings, before going to class. If she doesn't see him in another five minutes she'll go to class and get her dad to call him later for her.

Bobbi smiles at fellow students when they pass, but it drops when she spots Roberto. Her jaw tightens and she's sick in her stomach seeing him in school and not where he should be. Look at him, just standing there with Stacey and smiling like he hadn't done anything wrong... Bobbi is furious! Blood boiling, her skin heating up, she has the urge to attack him now that her dad isn't here to hold her back.

But I don't want to get into trouble, so breathe, she thinks as she inhales a deep but shaky breath.

Her temper is under control as she nears him. Doesn't care he's with someone. Figures he doesn't respect her so she doesn't respect him. She would like to be the bigger person in any situation, but when it comes to him and his crime, being the bigger person is out the window.

Roberto leans closer to Stacey's ear, whispering something that makes her smile, whereas Bobbi rolls her eyes, the edge of her lip twitches up with a look of disgust. Tugs onto his leather jacket for his attention.

'I need a word,' she says, straight to the point. Doesn't like to waste time. In other words, she doesn't want to be late for class.

'Here's two for one: Go away,' he replies nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the red haired girl and continues to flirt.

Hands on her hips, Bobbi clears her throat loudly and he, with hesitance, turns to face her.

'Oh.' He blinks when he sees Bobbi. 'What?' The word comes out in an irritated tone. Doesn't seem like he regrets it as he crosses his arms over his chest.

'First, you should show some gratitude not attitude,' she starts. If Bobbi had it her way he wouldn't be here. Glares at his face, a snide smile from him, and she wishes justice would be done.

'Second-' she stops, disregarding him, and faces Stacey. 'Hey uh, can we have a moment?'

Stacey's smile is followed with pursed lips. 'Of course, I get it.' Before she leaves, her hand strokes Roberto's arm and she winks.

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