Chapter 4: I Know What You Did Last Summer

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"OMGOSH! He didn't! Camila can't know about this. It'll break her heart!" I saw Lauren trying to whisper but was failing epically.

"Camila can't know what?"

"Camila," her voice trailing,"it's just that, Austin has been cheating with you and is hooking up with other girls."


"Yeah. I'm sorry girl but you have the concert to look forward to."

"That player! I hate him. How am I gonna break up with him? Things are gonna be so awkward. And I guess I do have the concert."

"You go girl. Show him that you don't need him! You're an independent women! You look fab tonight!(OUFIT SHOWN ABOVE OR AT THE SIDE) By the way what time does the concert start?"

"Half six. Why?"

"It's six twenty now!"

"What! I'm gonna leave, see ya!"


"Taylor, the show was awesome! Oh hi Shawn," I began blushing furiously.

"Hi Camila, how's Austin?"

"He cheated on me," I looked down at the floor. Shawn doesn't care about my love life.

"I'm so sorry for you. I can't believe he did that. You don't deserve that Mila," he looked a bit out of place and awkward. On the bright side, at least I was back on the market and that means that Shawn could date me, except for the fact that we were just friends. I was friend zoned.

I saw Shawn's guitar and my ticket to spending more time with him.
"Play us a melody!" I excitedly exclaimed to him.

"Well, I'll just leave then," Taylor walked into another part of the packed green room to see a member of her crew. I'd forgotten she was standing there. It felt like it was just me and Shawn in the room.

"Sure." he began to twang away with his guitar. Dang he loved that thing!

Within minutes we were singing along to the melody we had just written and planned to meet up in a nearby studio.


"That was fun Mila,"


"I truly am sorry for you Mila, "

"No, it's fine. He's not the one I want. I have my eye on someone else,"

"Well good luck in chasing him," I felt a pang of annoyance. Shawn was the one I was chasing. I loved him, He didn't know that though.


I'd like to thank all the readers! Please add the book to your reading list! And vote! xx

Dedicated @XxJessica187xX for being fabulous and amazing!

Saphire xx ♥♥♥

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