Chapter 4: Rule #33 Don't Believe The First Thing You See

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Chapter 4: Rule #33 Don't Believe The First Thing You See

Don't panic.

I tug harder on the hanger but the manhole cover stays shut tight. The water reaches my chin now, my wet hair sticking to my forehead and cheeks. I don't have much time left, but my brain has locked up any rational ideas as I slowly become panicked. I feel around the cover, searching for a hole or button to press to release me, but there isn't any.

Then a wild idea comes to me.

Well, I guess I have nothing to lose, other than my life.

So I wait as the water rises, allowing me only one more breath before I am submerged completely under the water. I begin to count, to not think about the oxygen I am loosing.


I let a few bubbles out as my lungs begin to constrict with pain.


I have no more oxygen left in my body, all I can do is hold my breath and hope.


I suck in some water, but I try and remain calm as my vision begins to blink out.



The cover pops off and the pressure from the built up water geyser shoots out of the opening, taking me with it. I am thrown slightly into the air and land hard with my right arm twists underneath me. I cough up water as the geyser begins to die down and I gulp at the air, trading between coughing and gulping. Alex comes running to my side and helps me sit up.

I grin up at her goofily and she shoves my bad arm, "What is wrong with you! You terrified everyone." I groan at the pain she caused and she becomes apologetic, before stepping back and quieting down as another voice pops up.

"Well done, Donahue. A little unorthodox, but completed nonetheless," a woman's high heels click across the floor towards me and I look up at a woman I can only describe as 'prim and proper'. She has on a two piece gray suit with a white blouse, her dark brown hair pulled into a bun with perfectly straightened bangs. She holds a clipboard and finishes writing something down before giving me a once-over. Alex helps me stand to look this woman in the eyes, and I nod in respect.

"Alright then, follow me," she gestured with the clipboard, then turns on her heel without a second glance behind her to see if I was following. I give Alex a look and she shrugs, pushing me in the direction of the woman.

"She grows on you," Alex says before turning away to help clean up the watery mess I made. I pick up the pace of my steps and fall in behind the woman, holding my arm to not cause anymore pain. She leads me to a door marked Director, and we enter.

"Sit," she points to the chair in front of the desk and I sit down, still careful of my hurt arm. She types on her laptop before turning to me and handing me the clipboard. "Your evaluation into the Ace Program." She states and I nod, glancing over it.

The Prospective Spy, hereby known as Spy, is intelligent, creative, hotheaded, and willing to take risks. Spy is also strong and unusually skilled, most likely will be trained as a operative. Spy is the daughter of the late Gerald and Jessica Donahue, the reason for her consideration into the program. I hereby put forth Isabella Donahue for the Ace Program, if she accepts, she will be trained as a operative, and once considered proficient enough, will be sent into the field to help ACE with the capturing and disposing of criminals.

Do you accept?


I look back at the woman and blurt out, "You knew my parents?"

"Yes, quite well in fact. We participated in many operations together in the past, and I considered them good friends," she answers and gives me a small smile. "Even I miss them sometimes." I nod and she hands me a pen and I hold it awkwardly in my left hand.

"Well Isabella Donahue, do you accept your placement at the Ace Program?"

I click the pen and my hand hovers over the signature part, and I mentally debate if this is a good idea.

"Well I have nothing to lose but my life, so why not?" I say and sign my signature with one fluid, but slightly messy, motion and hand the assessment back. "What now?"

The woman stands and opens a door different to the one we entered at and gestures me forward, "Welcome to the real Ace Program."

The door swings open to another balcony above another warehouse, but instead of separate corners, the floor is covered with battling participants, a wall covered in computer monitors and hackers, and trainers yelling at the top of their lungs. People are fighting with guns, fists and bows, and once I stop cringing from the noise, I realize that everyone fighting, and hacking, is separated into two teams.

I raise an eyebrow in the unspoken question at the woman and she chuckles, "The other area is a front, the area everyone begins at before being tested, like you. If he or she passes the test, there is the choice of accepting the nomination, and coming to the real program. But, if it is not accepted, or he or she didn't pass, the person will have never seen our actual facilities, keeping us safe from our enemies. Rule number thirty-three, don't believe the first thing you see, it's most likely an illusion."

"Smart," I say before observing the crowd once more. I spot Alex working furiously on a computer with three screens, yelling things to the people beside her about blocking the incoming virus from the opposing team. I spot Chandler and Blaze fighting against each other, each matching the others' moves easily. Then I spot Dylan, who is standing in the midst of the battle, smirking up at me. He waves his fingers before proceeding to show off by taking four attackers down at once. Then the woman beside me pinch the bridge of her nose, "I see you've caught the attention of my son."

I pause for a moment and turn to look at her, "Dylan Lancaster, known as AP, for Ace Player, is your son?" She nods and rolls her eyes at the nickname.

"Yes, my name is Sara Lancaster, but call me Director or Ma'am, we do enjoy our formalities here at ACE," she answers seriously after her childlike attitude and I nod.

"Yes, Director," I reply and she smiles before pushing me to the stairs.

"Head on down and begin training, Donahue. And get someone to look at that arm."

"Yes, Ma'am," I nod and wink and she chuckles before returning back to her office. I begin to descend the stairs and am met at the bottom with a grinning Dylan.

"Did you see me, Izzy?! I slaughtered those opponents!" He exclaims as he leans against the wall, flexing his muscles.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. And why Izzy? Don't I get a cooler nickname than that?" I frown and he shoves his fingers into my cheeks to pull my mouth into a smile. I try to bite one of his fingers, but he's too fast.

"Oh, Izzy is feisty today," he says and grabs my arm to guide me to a group containing the few people I have met, plus a few I haven't.

Oh this should be fun.

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