Chapter 7: Growing balls...

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"Um... Austin, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked eyeing a hot figure who sat on the couch instead of looking at the person I was talking to.

"Sure," he stood up, taking my hand and walking into the nearest room, which was a bathroom.

Thanks, Austin.

It stank horribly in here.

I pinched my nose before I spoke, "why didn't you tell me Lucas was going to be here?"

"Because if I did, you wouldn't come," He said, apologetically.

"He looks so hot sitting there and now I'm going to cry... What if I embarrass myself out there? He doesn't acknowledge me anyways, to top it off," I spat in a rush.

"I didn't hear half the shit you said, please don't pinch your nose while you talk," He said and I let go of my nose, which automatically wrinkled in disgust.

"Well if it didn't smell like shit in here, you would hear the shit coming out of my mouth," I hissed but immediately regretted it as my brain came up with some images.

"Lucas is my friend, I can't just not invite him."

"Who else knew he was coming?" I asked.

"Everyone but you..."

"Why didn't anyone tell me? Ugh... I'm dressed like shit too."

"No one probably thought it was important to let you know, only Hunter and I know you like him..." Austin said before he realized what he just spat out.

"YOU!!! You told Hunter! Oh no... He hates me... And you hate me too... Oh god. You guys are going to tell him, aren't you?" I mumbled exiting the bathroom.

I made my way back to the living room where everyone sat, I turned around to face Jared.

Before I could even say anything, I felt Lucas's eyes on me which sent another round of panic through me.

"Like what you see?" Jared smirked.

Oh god, I was staring at him this whole time.

"No, I was just going to say, mind spraying some air freshener after you're done using the restroom?" I dismissed his smirk.

"I'm sure it doesn't stink as much as half the shit that comes out of your mouth, " he said making me glare at him.

The same images reoccurred in my head. How did he know?

"Hey, Aaliyah," I tensed at the voice.

I turned around to see the owner standing behind me.

"Hi, Lucas," I smiled like I wasn't just arguing like a crazy bitch...

Damn, I am a bitch.

"A little birdie told me, you have a crush on me," Lucas said with a half smile, half smirk. I don't know how that's possible but he was too perfect to not be able to do anything.

He was taller than me which I thought was extremely hot, heck, I thought everything about him was hot. He was in my guitar class and I was swooning over him like some hormonal teen. I just never had the guts to tell h-

I cut my thought short.

"Excuse me for a second," I smiled sweetly at Lucas and he nodded.

I turned on heels to face Hunter and Austin sitting there enjoying the show.

Possessive Over A Bitch (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now