"Go ahead Becca." Dimitri insisted turning his attention back to Becca, who was still standing stock-still, trembling outside his window.

"I-I was only to going to... remind you both that... all of this is still new to her. The possessiveness of a mate, let alone two Alpha mates... the fact that werewolves exist... Not to mention the rest of the supernatural world we live in... Maybe you should have someone neutral present when you... have your... conversation." She quickly stammered out, not meeting either one of their gaze, since they both turned to listen to her.

Pursing his lips, Dimitri nodded his head as if he agreed with what she was suggesting. Whereas Dante grunted out his disapproval at the idea of someone being neutral ground between us.

"She has a point Dant... we don't want to terrify Mia... we could lose our control and slip up, putting Mia in danger." Dimitri added, turning to look me up and down with hooded eyes, even as they still held rage in them.

"No one needs to know our personal business with our mate." Dante grounded out each word menacingly, he was gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were turning white and the wheel started to contort its shape under the pressure.

"Well... I agree with Becca." Gulping against the lump of fear forming in my throat as I stared at Dante's startling grip. "I would feel... so much safer." Whispering out the confession.

Instantly they both whipped their heads to stare down at me with hurt and confused expressions. I knew admitting that I was slightly afraid of them, would make them feel horrible. But it was true, I never knew how they were going to react when it came to me.

"You fear us." Dimitri whispered, his voice laced with torment as he stared at me with his sad filled electric blue orbs.

"We would never hurt you..." Dante also whispered, looking just as tortured from my confession as Dimitri.

"I-I... on some level... I know that." Staring down at my hands twisting on my lap. "But... I never know how either of you... will react." Whimpering under their wounded stares.

"Come to the house Becca... you can be the buffer." Dante finally stated in a monotone voice, he hung his head in defeat before shifting the truck into gear.

"Just climb in." Dimitri suggested, waving her forward. He sounded just as defeated and wounded as his brother.

Hesitantly she opened up to the back passenger door and climbed into Dante's truck. Swiftly I turned in the seat and scrambled into the back, to be close to her. I needed a little space from the boys and their shared looks of torment.

"Mia." They snapped in unison, as I climbed over the seat.

They both turned in their seats to stare after me, I refused to meet their gaze. Biting my lip, I leaned in toward Becca, who clasped my trembling hands in hers and squeezed, showing her support.

Neither one of the guys spoke the rest of the ride back to the Covington house. Guilt was eating away at me, I kept stealing glances at them only to see the wounded expressions they both shared.

As soon as Dante parked the truck in the driveway, Ms. Caroline's day nurse came running across the yard from the house, in a complete panic heading straight for the truck. Dante and Dimitri both jumped out of the truck in alarm, as I casted worried eyes to Becca who was staring up toward the house with tears in her eyes.

"She refused to let me link Alphas." The nurse stammered, bowing her head as she tilted it to the side, just like Becca did earlier. Quickly Becca and I climbed out of the truck, anxious to hear what was going on.

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