The announcement

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"Okay class, I have some exciting news!" Ms.D exclaims ecstatically.
For some reason, I don't believe Ms.D when she says this. It could be that anything from a movie on a Friday night to an unwritten essay seems outstanding to her. I normally appreciate her positivity and enthusiasm because she seems like one of the only teachers that actually want to be here. Sometimes it can be a little much. None the less, I still listen as she continues, "We are going to be starting our annual musical!" At the sound of this, I become over filled with joy. This really is something exciting! I love musicals! I love plays and I love music. When they are combined to tell a beautiful story it makes my heart explode. "This year's musical will be Peter Pan! I hope to see all of you at try outs. They will be held on Friday and the parts will be posted the following Wednesday!" Ms.D says. I am so excited that I can not sit still. Peter Pan! She said we are doing Peter Pan! Peter Pan was my favorite childhood story and honestly I still love it. When I was younger I watched it so much that I said the words with the actors. It amazed my parents considering I was like five but that just shows that I am meant to be in this musical. I have the talent, I have the love and I don't have a boyfriend and my friends do so I've got the time! I tried out for the musical, Annie but stupid Nancy ruined it for me last year with her mean self. Any way, I know I will get it this year. I've watched the movie about 1,000 times. I already know those lines by heart and I have been working on my voice all year. I was born to be Wendy. I turn around and my excited green eyes meet Carter's big blue ones.
"Are you going to audition?" I ask about ready to bounce out of my seat and do cartwheels. Is this how Annabelle feels all the time?
"Totally! I'm going for the lead role." He replies with a big smile.
"Omg! Same! I'm going for Wendy!" I say practically jumping out of the desk. We both break into laughter. Gosh we are such geeks. Carter is suppose to be really cool and popular, which he is but he has this totally different side that is completely geeky. Just as I thought I was having a good time and my hopes were high, I hear Nancy from across the room talking to one of her friends. If you can even call them that. They're more like her worshippers.
"I love Peter Pan! This year, I'm bound to be Wendy. Considering I was Annie last year and the year before that I was Belle, I have a pretty great chance at getting Wendy too. I mean, who can pass up this deal? I am pretty, I can sing, act, dance and I get along with everyone! I am literally the total package!"
At that moment, I realized exactly who I was up against. I am about to battle the evil queen of Quarter High. But, I will not let her discourage me. I am going to be Wendy. Not even Nancy Breeland will take this role from me. Wendy is mine. I don't care if I have to practice 24/7. If Ms.D says that I have to wear a chicken costume and cluck around the school for a whole week, I'd do it. I will be Wendy, what ever it takes. I get snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey, Em. You okay? You just like zoned out there for a second." He asks nervously. Realizing that I had just been laughing only two seconds ago and now I am nervously strumming my fingers on my desk and my smile has faded. No wonder where his worried look is coming from. "Oh! Oh. Sorry. Haha just got a little distracted." I reply.
"It's fine." He responds with a small chuckle.
"Carter! Come here real quick!" Jack, a football player shouts. Carter gets up and walks to the other side of the room where his senior, jock/drama friends are sitting. I always feel sad when Carter leaves me to hang with his other friends but I get it. I'm not a cool senior yet, and he is popular. I'm not like a loner with only three friends. I have many friends but I just keep my best friends close and I just don't fit in with Carter's kind of friends. Plus, I don't want to be THAT sophomore. The one that tries to be cool by hanging out with upper class men. We don't have anything in common. I think I'm awesome and I don't need to pretend I'm something I'm not to hang out with people. That's what I like about Carter, he is like the boy version of me, that so happens to be athletic. I just shrug off Carter abandoning me and get on my phone.
"Sparks!" a voice shouts beside me making me jump a little but I laugh it as I turn toward the voice.  "Do you want to hang out today after school at my house and practice for the audition?", Carter asks. At first, I think that it would be kind of weird hanging out with my best friend's boyfriend by myself, but Carter and I are friends and there is no reason for it to be weird so I push that crazy thought out of my mind.
"Sure! I'll meet you there!" I reply just as the bell rings.
"Okay. Awesome! I'll see you after school!" He says and everyone is filing out of the classroom. I gather all of my things as he turns and catches up with his football friends. I'm the last person in the room so I say by to Ms.D and head to third hour.

Quarter High Chronicles: Fight for the Spotlight Where stories live. Discover now