Not the Time for a Throw Down.

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As I'm walking to my sixth hour I see the grossest thing ever. It's Nancy. But, it's not just Nancy. It's Nancy and my brother practically eating each other's faces off in the middle of the hallway. I swear that girl only wants attention. I mean who else would want to have an endless make out session in the literal MIDDLE of a crowded hallway? I guess if you're desperate for attention, you do that kind of stuff. I start to get the urge to walk up to them and physically pull them apart but, I know that they'll just continue once I leave so I swallow the throw up in my mouth and continue on my way.
When I make it to my sixth hour, history, our teacher tells us we have a free day. "Thank the Lord!" I whisper to myself. I am pulling my Spanish cuaderno out to do homework when all of a sudden some particular person walks into my classroom and struts over to the teacher so slyly that it scares a little pee out of me. As if it were second nature, she stealthily bends forward over the teachers desk making her already  unreasonably short dress ride up in the back. She then quietly says something to the teacher. The teacher, noticing her cryptically provocative move to the class behind her, asks to look at the paper in her hand showing no acceptance of the move at all. She obliges. Then, the worst thing ever happens. Mr. King stands up and says, "Alrighty class! Looks like we've got a new student! Everyone, this is Nancy.", he finishes then sits down.
Of course, Nancy must be Nancy. I roll my eyes as she begins to milk it. "Oh thank you Mr. King, I really appreciate it. May I just say one thing to the class?" Mr.King motions her to continue with a push of his hand in the air. "I just want to let everyone know that if you need a friend, I'm here to help. I'm a big supporter of  finding a resolution for the social anxiety and depression of today's teens, and would love to talk to any of you about anything you're going through. I know how rough it can be, and I really want to be a shoulder to lean on. I'm here for you!" She finally finishes her speech and takes a seat. A few people who have been greatly affected be Nancy's dictatorship at this school actually clap, but most have no idea and/or do not care about what just happened. I am shocked out of my mind. It is the end of first semester what the heck is she doing changing her schedule? You can't change your classes like that. Any normal person would have to wait until the start of next semester, but she has this whole school under her control. The counsellor loves her, she's always the teachers' pet, and she even seems to be best friends with the principal at times. But, back to my point about this class. What kind of speech was that? That's not something you randomly announce to the class. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for helping teens in our society, but Nancy is not the person to help others. She is the type of person that likes to help others only if it benefits her. She's the one that CAUSES most social anxiety at our school. Even the way she presented that little speech only glorifies herself! It is so annoying. Right as I thought things couldn't get worse, I see her coming my way out of the corner of my eye.
"Hey, Em!" She says all lively.
"Hey....Nan?" I reply not really knowing how to annoyingly shorten her name. And just for the record, she has NO right to call me "Em".
"I didn't know you were in this class! What a coincidence?!"
"I know right?! Who would've thought?!" I reply mocking her sparkly voice.
She can sense the mocking nature I have of her and replies, "Oh. Did I do something to hurt you, Em?" She says sounding concerned.
She's obviously faking it. She could care less about me. I want to let her know that she's done a lot to hurt me. I want to yell at her for dating my brother and switching to my class, that I was suppose to be enjoying because of the free day. I want to yell at her for ruining my life with her insistent presence! Like what the heck?! Leave me alone!  Why are you obsessed with me?
I end up pushing my building anger aside knowing this is not the correct time or place to have a throw down. "I'm fine.", I mutter and she looks at me with a little smirk. I can literally see evil twinkling in her glittery dirt brown eyes. "Well, you wanna know what makes me feel better?"
"I said, I was fine. I don't need to know anything about feeling better." I reply annoyed. She ignored me and continued on.
"Telling secrets. You want to know one of my secrets?"
"Not really?" I say returning to my Spanish homework.
"Awe! Come on!" She annoyingly persists.
"Fine. Just tell me already!" I say realizing I won't get any work done, even if I try to ignore her.
"When ever I am having a bad day, my favorite thing to do is make out with your brother.... in your room." She replies with a huskier, more secretive tone. My jaw involuntarily drops. The only thing in my mind is a disturbing picture of my brother making out with Nancy all over MY stuff. Hold on. Sam isn't that inconsiderate, so there is no way she could make him do.... that in my room. I mean he can get on my nerves but there is no way Sam would do that. That would be awkward. I mean at least if I had a boyfriend, I don't want to do anything of that nature in my brother's room. That is really creepy. That's when I realize that She's only trying to get a reaction out of me. She knows I hate their relationship and she's trying to get under my skin. Agh, I just want to punch her in her perfectly little smug face! I want to show her all of the new karate moves that I learned from last nights episode of "Karate Couple" starring Ellie Snow and James Bolton. Before I can push back these feelings, I blow up.
"What the heck, Nancy!" I practically yell as I spring up from of my chair. The whole class turns silent and looks towards me. "I can't believe that you have that little self respect!" I continue my brain still absent, "You can't just do things like that with out repercussions! You just wait. Karma will hit you, and it will hit you hard! And when it knocks you on your bony little butt, you will look up and realize that there is no one there to help you!" I scream at her. I guess she wasn't expecting that kind of reaction because she stands in front of me mouth gapping. I am staring her down. Daring her to come at me again. She got what she wanted. If she wants a fight, I will freaking give her a fight! I see a single tear slip from her eye. My anger freezes. Did I take it too far? It seems kinda genuine, but this is Nancy. There isn't a genuine bone in her body, but she is still human. Suddenly I can feel everyone's eyes burning holes through us. This is a time I wish the spot light wasn't on me. Realizing what I've done, I quietly and slowly sit back down in my chair. "Maybe you and your friends should back off." Nancy says quietly where no one can hear but me. Her voice broke as she spoke those words and a tear made it to her jaw line. She quickly wipes it away, turns back to the class and says, "It's okay guys! Don't worry! We're practicing a scene from our new script in drama.". With that, everyone turns back around and minds their own business. Before she has time to turn around and say anything back to me, the bell rings for dismissal and I instantly get up and leave without a word. That was the most stupid situation I've ever been in. She was looking for a reaction out of me and I gave it to her! She wanted me to blow up! She just has to be the center of attention with everyone all of the time. Well, she definitely got it today. It bothers me that I don't know if that tear was real or not, surely it was fake, but she is not that good of an actress. Plus, what was with that ominous threat. 'Maybe you and your friends should back down.' Ugh she is so dramatic. Me and my friends have literally done nothing to her. As I walk down H-hall, on my way to math. I turn the corner and there is Nancy laughing. She would of had to have been freaking faking!  She can't
go from crying to laughing that fast! Agh! Just keep walking Emily. Just keep walking. I knew she was fake!, my mind interrupts. Just keep walking. I will never make the mistake of giving her the benefit of the doubt again.
By the time I walk through the classroom door, I have come up with some great five lettered words that perfectly describe Nancy! Once I'm settled down in my seat, I wait for Annabelle to arrive. When Annabelle comes running in, she randomly asks me, "Hey what's my phone number?". I get my phone out and look up her contact not really wanting to talk about my encounter with Nancy.
"Why?" I ask in response. Hoping it's something good to get my mind off that fake witch.
"Someone is texting Dylan and I have his phone. I think it's Dylan texting me from my phone."
This whole flirtation thing going on between them is getting really interesting.
"Ha! It is my number." She says after I show her her contact on my phone. "He is texting me." She says being engrossed in the phone.
Since Annabelle sat down she has been glued to Dylan's phone. I've given up on the complicated equations in front of me like ten minutes ago and I'd normally talk to Annabelle about what went down last hour, but that stupid phone is distracting her so I'm stuck scrolling through Instagram, trying to ignore my frustration.
"Emily!" Annabelle screeches and hits my shoulder.
A couple people turn around but most are used to Annabelle's sporadic outbursts.
"What?" I say with a little laugh.
"He knows about Roger." She whispers. Her hazel eyes are huge with fear and shock.
"What? How?" I say surprised.
"Ms.Sparks! Ms.Shepard!" Our teacher shouts at us in warning to quiet down.
"Here. Read." Annabelle says sliding his phone on my desk.

Meet me after seventh hour at the front of the school and we'll switch phones. Annabelle texted

Sorry, babe but I really don't want a phone that has had your boob all over it. Dylan replied.

Well, you're in bad luck because I'm pretty sure my boob has been all over that phone too. Lol


Don't blame me, blame the girl jeans designers. What's the point in making a pocket if you're going to sew it shut?

Haha, I guess I can see your point there. But you know they do that so they can sell you guys hand bags.

Omg! I never thought about that! I want to start a strike against all false pocketed jeans. Unfortunately, the cute jeans always have the sewn pockets, so it comes down to gross jeans and pockets or no pockets and nice jeans. Don't even get me started on the handbags. Okay, rant over lol. But seriously, am I ever going to get my phone back?

Ummm. I don't think you are. I'm having too much fun getting dirt on you. I had no idea that you used to have braces, glasses and your only friend was a rock named Roger.

OMG! How did you find that?! That was like back in eighth grade!

I have my ways.

What?! What is that suppose to mean? Annabelle texts back. Ten minutes later and still no reply from Dylan.
Dylan? What does that mean? Annabelle texts.
Okay well after this hour I am getting my phone from you, Dylan Castillo. Is the last text sent between them.
"How did he find out about Rodger?" I ask with a giggle.
"I have absolutely no idea. I have to put a passcode on my phone." Annabelle replies.
Before I knew it the bell had rung and Annabelle had asked me to come with her to exchange phones with Dylan. I agreed to come with her. The flirting going on with them is kind of cute. I'm interested to see what this grows into. I get snapped out of it when I hear Dylan say, "Here is your phone."
"Yay! Here is yours!" Annabelle replies swapping phones.
Dylan walks off and Annabelle turns her phone over and there is a sticky note saying,
Friday, Park, 7:00 pm
"That's low key creepy. Are you going to go?"  I ask Annabelle who is staring at the yellow sticky note in thought.
Before she can answer my phone beeps. I look down and see Sam texted me.
Come on, or I am leaving you.
I roll my eyes. "Sam is being a butt and I have to go but text me!" I tell Annabelle and give her a goodbye hug. Then I make my way to Sam's normal parking spot preparing myself to deal with Nancy, who is undoubtedly sitting on the passengers side of my brother's ride.

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