Chapter Thirty-Five

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Alex's P.O.V.

"Guys, it was horrible," Jessie exclaimed as she walked into the living room with her mom and the babies.

"It was really that bad?" I asked, taking Aspen from Mary.

"Yeah, was it?" Chey laughed out.

"No, she's just being dramatic. Yes, they cried, but that's what babies do when they get their 2 month shots," Mary assured me, making me laugh a little at the horrified look on Jessie's face.

"I wanted to cry because they were crying so hard. I'm never doing that again." Chey and I followed Jessie into the kitchen.

"Gimmie," Chey demanded, taking Reese out of Jessie's hands.

"Jess, it's over now, see?" I made Aspen's little baby hand wave at Jessie. "I'm fine mommy," I said, mimicking a baby's voice.

The girls laughed at my ridiculousness and started talking about what they were wearing for graduation. I swear any time someone brought up an event, the first thing they thought about was what they would wear.

"Wouldn't it be funny if I wore a bath robe under the graduation gown?" Chey said, laughing at her own joke.

"No," Jessie and I replied in unison, which made us laugh and made Chey stop laughing.

"Fine then,be that way. I'm going upstairs to take a nap and I'm taking your babies with me," she stated, taking Aspen out of my hands.

"Okay, you can change their diapers too then ," Jessie told her, making Chey do a complete 180 turn and hand Jessie both babies, going upstairs without another word.

"That gets her every time."

"Wanna go on a walk with us? I need to start working off this baby weight."

"Yeah, just let me go put on my shoes." I put on my shoes and helped Jessie put the babies in their stroller. It was one of those fancy double strollers, courtesy of Luke's mom.

We walked in silence, just enjoying each other's company until I saw a house with a little boy and a dog playing in the front yard. I had to say something.

"One day, we'll have that, Jess. I promise." I pointed to the house with the dog and the boy, unable to stop imagining a life like that.

"Is that what you meant in the hospital." She stopped walking and just smiled up at me. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"At the hospital, after I gave birth, you were half asleep and you said 'one day,' and when I asked you what you meant you just fell asleep again." I don't remember that, probably because I was asleep, but it seems like that's what I was talking about.

"I don't know...maybe."

"Good because I want that too." She started walking ahead of me and I jogged a bit to catch up to her.

"I'm glad." I put an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. I knew that one day we really would have that life.


Graduation day came sooner than I expected. Everyone was bustling around the house trying to get ready, hoping we would get there on time. Jessie and I were getting the babies dressed, trying to make them even cuter than they already were. This would technically be their first outing.

"Let's go!" Chris yelled out from downstairs, making everyone rush to grab their last items.

I put the twins in the car seats in Chris's car because I would be driving my own car, considering there wasn't enough space for everyone in one car. Jessie, Chey, and I would go in my car and Koda, Mary, the twins, and Chris would go in Chris's car.

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