New York?

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"So, you and Marls are a thing now?" Gabe asked his brother as they were packing his stuff up; it was his last day in Lima before he, along with Rachel, Kurt, and Santana, flew back to New York.

"Suprisingly, yes," Ryder replied.

"Nice!" He gave Ryder a pat on the back.

"So, how about you and Rachel?"

"What about us?"

"Are you two..." Ryder tried finding the right words to say. "You know, together?"

"I don't even know if she feels the same way about me."

"I bet you she does."

"How can I find out?"

"Leave that to me."


"So, you want me to ask her?" Kurt asked while waiting for the flight to arrive.

Ryder nodded. "Not right away though. You don't want her to suspect anything."


Just then, Santana decided to butt in. "Gabe likes Rachel?"

Kurt turned to her and asked, "Do you ever stop eavesdropping?" She shook her head. "Yes, he likes her."

"They should date. They're a perfect match."

"How?" Ryder asked.

"They're both straight Broadway freaks that love Starbucks. It's not hard."

Just then, Rachel and Gabe came back into view, Starbucks in hand.

"See?" Santana gestured to them.

"Hey guys!" Rachel spoke. "So, when does our flight leave?"

"They could call it any minute," Kurt replied.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Ryder said.

"I'm gonna miss you too, little brother."

Gabe gave him a big hug, who was followed by Rachel, Kurt, and eventually Santana. Once they announced the next flight, the quarto waved their goodbyes and left.

Ryder then called his dad to pick him up and drive him home.


"So...this Saturday is Prom!" Mr. Schue exclaimed the next Monday. The whole group cheered. "And this year, we are performing again, so when choosing your songs, think, Prom." He used his hands to emphasize "Prom."

"I know what I'm singing," Ryder spoke.

"Same here," Melissa added.

"I have an announcement to make!!" Kitty exclaimed, standing up.

"Kitty has the floor," Mr. Schue said, sitting down.

"I am running for Prom Queen this year!!"

"Really?" Blaine asked.

"Yup! And Artie's my running mate!!"

The whole club turned to Artie.

"What?" he asked.

"I thought sophomores couldn't run," Ryder said.

"They can," Artie replied. "If they have an upperclassman as their running mate."

"Oh, okay."

"Alright then," Mr. Schue said. "Anyone else?" No one else got up, so he continued to speak. "Make sure to have something prepared for Saturday."

Graceland (A GLEE Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora