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After musical week ended, Rachel felt like she needed to visit her dads again. The last time she visited them, she had already briefly met the girl they adopted: Samantha. What a pretty name. She's suprisingly glad that they adopted Sam; she has someone to be an inspiration to.

She was getting ready to leave when Gabe arrived. "Where have you been?" she asked.

"Visiting my brother again," he replied.

"How is he?"

"Alright. Turns out, he has Dad's rock taste."

"Nice." She grabbed her bag and they both headed out.

Once they arrived at her dads' place, Gabe dropped her off at the door so he could find a parking space. She waited until he was done before she knocked. To her suprise, Samantha answered.

"Hi Sammie!" Rachel spoke. "Remember me?"

"Unfortunately," Sam coldly responded. She then yelled, "DADS!! YOUR REAL DAUGHTER'S HERE!!"

Once Rachel let herself in, Sam quickly checked out Gabe. "And you are?" she asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"WAY too old for you," he replied, chuckling and walking in.

"Hey!" she protested, shutting the door. "I'm sixteen!!"


"Hi dads!" Rachel exclaimed, smiling at the sight of Leroy and Hiram. She gave each of them a hug, and they went to another room to talk.

"So," Leroy asked, "how's the Big Apple?"

"It's great!" Rachel exclaimed. "There's bigger stages, more people like me, and better coffee."


"It's SO good, Daddy."

"But you won't forget about the crappy coffee here, right?" Hiram stated.

Rachel knew what he meant. "Of course, Dad." She put her hands on theirs for comfort.

Leroy then took a look at Sam; she was talking to someone. "So who's your guest?" he asked.

"Oh, him?" she replied, turning to see Gabe talking to her sister. "That's Gabe." She turned back to face her fathers. "He's one of my friends at NYADA."

"He's cute."


"What?" Leroy put his hands up in defense. "He's easy on the eyes!"

"I have to agree on that one," Hiram added. "You brought home a good one."

"We're not dating!!" Rachel spoke in protest.

"We know, sweetie."

"We're just saying, if you were to date him, you have our blessing."

Rachel shook her head and chuckled at her dads.


"So, what exactly do you do here?" Gabe asked.

"Well," Samantha replied, "I'm homeschooled, which means I can pretty much do whatever the hell I want. And what I do here is find out anything about my real parents."

"What have you found so far?"

"Come with me, and I'll show you." She led Gabe up to her room (Rachel's old room).

"This is yours?" Gabe asked once he took a good look.

Sam sighed and nodded. "There wasn't a guest room, so they made me take my sister's. It SUCKS."

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