On My Own

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Rachel took a look at Gabe's schedule after dance; coincidentally, he was in almost all her classes.

"So, where do I go next?" he asked her.

"Well, we have almost all the same classes together; what's different is our next 2 periods," she looked at the paper again before continuing, "you're taking Broadway Musicals with Mr. Harries, which is my 3rd period."

"And where is that?"

"If you go down that way," she said, pointing to her left, "and make a right, it should be the second classroom to your left."

She then started heading to her next class when Gabe pulled her back. "Hang on."

"Yes?" she asked, turning to face him.

"Do you wanna grab some coffee after classes are done?"

Rachel was about to answer with a simple no, but then she realized that Kurt was still in McKinley. Besides, he's new, she thought to herself. It would be nice if he had a friend to hang out with.

"Sure," she answered.

"Great! What's your last class?"

"Free Sing."

He quickly looked back at his paper before answering, "So, I'll wait for you outside?"


She started heading to her classroom again when she heard Gabe yell, "See ya, Rachel!"

"Bye!" she quickly called back before bumping into someone.

"Sorry," she apologized before looking at who it was.

"It's fine, Rachel."

"So," she asked, "what's new with you, Brody?"

"Not much," Donkey-Face replied, "but I see you made a new friend."

"He's new here. I'm just showing him around."

"You keep telling yourself that, Rach," he said, patting her back before heading off to his class.

But I am just showing him around, she thought as she entered her classroom. It's because of the whole Brody/Finn thing that I'm staying away from a relationship at the moment. Maybe in a few weeks, but I'm not gonna give in to some guy I barely met a half hour ago. Now THAT'S crazy talk.

"But he is cute," she said under her breath.


Meanwhile, back in Lima, Ohio, Kurt and Mercedes decide to stay for a little longer to help Mr. Schue and Finn prepare the New Directions! for Nationals.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Mr. Schue asked the group. "With Brittany off at MIT and Ryder quitting - "

"Yeah, why did he quit?" Artie asked. 

"Is it because he finally found out about that stupid 'Katie' chick?" Kitty added. She bent down to Sugar, who was filing her nails, and whispered, "I bet you it was some 40 year-old gay creep."

"I think it was some hormonal pre-teen who was scrolling down on chat rooms, saw Ryder's, and thought, Hey, that guy's kinda cute. I'm gonna talk to him,'" Jake added, joining in to their conversation.

"Or maybe it was some dude who wanted revenge on Ryder because of something he did," Sugar spoke.

"You know," Marley chipped in, "Maybe it was someone who liked Ryder and wanted to get to know him better, but was afraid to do it in person." 

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