"Yeah, we are. Katy just got the punch, which you saw, and I just got scratched, but it's no biggie," Chrissy replied and showed me her scratched arm.  It looked fine, there wasn't even a lot of blood.

I turned to Katy.  "Okay. Katy, are you sure you're fine, since you got punched?" I asked her.  Chrissy looked at me with a "gee thanks" expression but I knew she was teasing.

"Justin, I'm fine. You should be worrying about yourself the most, since you're the one that got punched really hard and coughed up blood," she said with a smile.

"Great to hear, now let's get out of here," I said, trying to stand up.  The girls helped me.

"Wait, let me get my savings box. I'm not letting it out of my sight" Katy quickly said and went over by the big pile of money over in the corner.  She started picking up the money and putting it in the box.  Chrissy and I went over and helped as well.

"Anything else you want to get out of here, Katy?" I asked.

She let out a sigh.  "Considering everything else I have is broken, I would say no," she sadly said.

"Don't worry, I'll buy you new things, like a cell phone and laptop," I said happily.

She blushed.  "Oh you don't have to," she told me.

"Oh but I do. You deserve everything," I replied, with a smile.  Katy couldn't stop smiling, Chrissy went "awww," and we all started making our way out of Katy's house.

We all walked outside and Katy stopped us.  "Wait up. I don't have a car, only my mom does. And I don't want to take her car," she informed us.  It's pretty dark outside, but I could make out her biting her lip.

"What time is it even?" Chrissy spoke up and asked.

I pulled out my phone to check.  I also realized I had a lot of missed calls and a few voicemails.  I forgot to take my phone off of vibrate after the concert.  Oh no...  All the calls were from either my mom, Scooter, or Kenny.  "Almost one in the morning... My mom and the crew are worried sick, I have like fifty missed calls and twenty voicemails," I said to the girls, fearfful of the words that will be dished out when I meet up with them again.  They aren't going to be any more happy to see two girls with me, either.

"We better get back to the stadium, they're all there still, right?" Katy asked.

"They should be. They'll either be inside the stadium still or in the tour bus right behind the stadium. Most likely sleeping in the tour bus though," I replied.  Ugh, I'm going to be in so much trouble when we get there...

"Let's just walk back to my house, I'll write a note to my parents explaining where I am when they don't see me tomorrow morning, and we can get in my car and head off to the stadium," Chrissy said with an "it's settled" tone.

We started walking to Chrissy's house, talking about random things, while using my phone as a flashlight.  It took maybe fifteen minutes, of course longer than the running Chrissy and I did before.  I'm happy we're not running anymore, that hurt.  My legs still feel a bit like pudding.  We walked in Chrissy's house, she grabbed a post it note, and starting scribbling words down on it.  The front door was unlocked the whole time, so I'm surprised there's no murderers in here or anything.  And, Chrissy's parents were still sleeping.  Wow, they're deep sleepers.

"There!" Chrissy exclaimed and pulled the note off the pad.  She stuck it on the kitchen counter and grabbed her car keys.  "Leggo!" she semi-shouted.  I chuckled as we walked out to her car, a silver Ford Focus.

"I call shotgun!" Katy squealed as she climbed into the passenger's seat and as Chrissy got into the driver's seat.

"Oh no you didn't!" I said while I grabbed her waist and pulled her out.

I Never Thought It'd Be You {JBLS}Where stories live. Discover now