Chapter 7

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5 months pregnant.

I look up in astonishment. "Excuse me?" I say. Shelby smirked. "You heard me. So, uh, I heard Joseph left you for Ginger Crow. That's sad. Now your'e gonna have to find another baby daddy." She laughs and so does everyone else. I breathe in and try to ignore her. "I'm guessing you've sad sex with my ex to, and hers, and hers, and maybe his!" The classes erupts into laughter. I want to smack her. But I can't. "Everyone knows you're a slut." She continues. " Even your friend Rubie. She be having us crack up on the jokes she be making about you on Facebook!"  I look down. I ask "Why are you doing this? Iv'e never done anything to you." She laughs. "Sluts have consequences." Everyone else laughs to. Rubie walks in and looks at me. "The slut is here?!" Rubie says laughing. "Ew, watch out Shelby she could have Herpes." Shelby jumps back laughing even harder. They high five and sit down in their seats. As the teacher would look at the board, someone would look back at me and mouth. "SLUT" When the class was over I ran out so fast you probably would have thought I'd run into someone. I slowed down and walked down the hallway. I was getting evil stares and laughs from everywhere. I felt like I was gonna pass out. Someone sticked something on my back but I couldn't get it off. The laughs were everywhere and I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out of the school and kept walking. I didn't know where I was going. I just wanted to go as far away from that place as possible. I went to the lake and stood there. I decided this would be my place from now on, until I give birth. No more school. No more. I stood there crying, wishing I could start all over again. I was an idiot for getting pregnant, I was an idiot for having sex, I was an idiot for being me. I was an idiot to God. He will never forgive me now that I broke my promise to him. Never. I bite my lips and sit on the dirt not caring about how dirty my pants will get. I sat there, and then Kayla began moving. She always moves when I'm upset. I laugh and put my hand on my belly. "You sure know how to make a girl laugh." I say to her. I move my hair out of my face and layed on the ground, listening to everything around me. The crickets, the birds, the wind. Everything. 

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