"Lou! What are you doing? We're leaving any minute!" Josh said and sighed. Louis ran back in the bus and jumped into one of the bunk beds without answering. I walked back to him and dragged the curtain away and saw him lying under the blankets.

"What do you think you're doing?" I laughed at him.

"Shh! I can't tell you." He hissed.

"Why not?" I pouted and looked around. The other boys were in the front of the bus and couldn't see us. Louis suddenly grabbed my wrist and literally dragged me up and inside the bed.

"Woah! What's going on?" I asked him while he quickly closed the curtain behind me. It was dark inside the bunk bed and Louis went down under the blankets again. I pulled the blankets away from his head and looked at him. He smiled like he was a little child who just had been doing something bad.

"I'm hiding! Be quiet." He whispered. I giggled at him.

"Who are you hiding from?"

"Liam and Paul. They tried to make me stay in the bus, but I went all "uh-no, you ain't gonna tell me what to do"." He said and snapped his fingers which made me laugh, so I pushed a pillow to my face to stay quiet. "So I ran outside the bus, and now they need to find me." He explained.

"So why did you pull me in?" I whispered.

"Because you are a witness. You know where I am, so I'm gonna take you as a hostage. And I didn't like to be alone, that's boring." He said and shrugged. I was about to refuse being held as a hostage, but I got interrupted by a voice outside the bus.

"Louis! Liam is starting to get pissed." Zayn shouted outside the bus. Louis and I stared at each other with widened eyes. It was like when you played hide-and-seek when you were little. It was actually really scary when they were about to find you.

"Not him." I muttered and rolled my eyes. Louis raised his eyebrows in confusion. Why did I say anything? I shook my head, to say it was nothing.

"What's wrong with Zayn?" He whispered, curious now.

"Nothing, it's just..." I started, but I heard steps coming closer.

"You'll explain this to me later." He said and threw the blankets over our heads.

"Where is he?" Zayn asked the other guys in the front part of the bus and sighed. He must have been sent out to find Louis against his will. I only heard their giggles, but they must have pointed towards us because I heard Zayn's steps coming closer and closer to us. I heard him pulling away the little curtain of the bed at the other side of us.

"This is the end!" Louis whispered dramatically which made me giggle just a little too loud. Zayn dragged away the curtain and his expression went angry when he saw us lying there laughing.

"Louis, we need to go. Be happy I was the one finding you. Liam is starting to get really angry." He said in monotone without sending me as much as a glare. It was like I wasn't right in front of him, between him and Louis.

The night after my first concert, I knew I had to do something about mine and Zayn's relationship. Trying to see him as only a friend didn't work, since I kept thinking if him in another way even though I hated myself for it. Since that day, I had been doing my very best to avoid Zayn. I answered with nothing but short words when he asked me anything, and every time he sat down beside me I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I came back I sat somewhere else, or I used a different excuse. Before our fourth concert in London, after avoiding him for three days, Zayn pulled me away to talk. Apparently, I didn't avoid him as smoothly as I thought. 


~A few days earlier~

He pulled my arm and dragged me with him the second I came from off the bathroom.

"Zayn what's going on?" I asked him as surprised as I could. Of course I knew what was going on.

"I don't know Belle. You tell me, because I have no idea about what's happening." He said sternly.

"What are you..." I started.

"No. Don't try that shit on me. Why have you suddenly stopped talking to me? Did I do something? Why are you avoiding me? We were good friends for only three days ago! What happened?" He asked. He started saying all that in an angry voice, but at the end he sounded more desperate. I was horrible watching those brown eyes staring at me with hurt and confusion.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Zayn." I said, and that wasn't really a lie.

"Then what is wrong?"

I sighed. I couldn't tell him. What would I say then? 'Well, I kind of started having different feelings towards you and I am really afraid of falling for you and it didn't work out to see you as nothing more than a friend, so I am avoiding you now and hoping that all these feelings will go away soon enough.' Yeah, that would be great.

"I don't know." I whispered and looked down at my shoes that suddenly became very interesting. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. He took a breath and I could see him clenching his fists in the corner of my eye.

"Well why don't you tell me when you stopped acting like an idiot." He said and stormed away. I stayed where I was, leaning against a wall in a hallway beside the toilets.


Since then, Zayn had been pretending as if I wasn't there and every time I walked into a room his mood sank and he went silent and angry.

Louis climbed over me and jumped out of the bed. Zayn was already on his way out, and Louis turned in the door.

"I'll see you in Manchester!" He said and winked before running out after Zayn. I was still lying in the bed. I turned around and faced down before I buried my face in the pillow and groaned/screamed/whined loud enough to sound like a dying whale. Why did he make it so hard? Why did I make it so hard for myself?


A/N: I have already updated chapter 10 aswell, maybe because I reached 200 reads, haha! So keep reading!

The Pianist - One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora