Chapter Thirty- Four

Start from the beginning

"Where are your guys' tuxes?" I looked around to see if maybe they were lying in the kitchen somewhere considering it was the first place the boys decided to go.

"They're not here," Max told us, taking a gulp of orange juice.

"What do you mean they're not here?" Mila said. I sensed that she was beginning to panic, so I gave her a reassuring look.

"Calm down, they're at my house," Luke said.

"So then why are you here?" I asked jokingly.

"Oh please, don't act like you aren't happy to see us!" Max hopped over the counter, sitting on the counter space directly in front of me.

"Your butt is on the counter. People eat here!" Mila said, walking around the counter to give Luke a hug.

"Hey, I have a high class ass," Max laughed, holding his arms out for me to hug him.

"I won't hug you unless you promise to never say that again."

"No promises." He pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Seriously though, when are you guys going to start getting ready? We only have three hours to get ready now.," I heard Mila ask from across the counter.

"Oh! Only three hours? However will we manage to put on a tux in less than three hours?" Luke made his voice high pitched, pretending to worry.

"That's all you're going to do? Put on a tux?"

"Pretty much..." The boys replied in unison, causing Mila and me to roll our eyes.

"What ever floats your boat. But you guys have to leave anyways because we have to start getting ready now" I pulled Max off of the counter, pushing him in the direction of the front door.

"Kiss goodbye?" Max puckered his lips, hands behind his back.

I pecked his lips. "There you go, see you later." With that, I ran up the stairs and into Jessie's room again, leaving Mila in the dust.

"What's the rush buttercup?" Alex laughed, drying his wet hair with a towel.

"Did you just shower? You better not have used all the hot water!" I was now a hot mess. Prom was the only thing on my mind. I grabbed a towel from the hall closet and rushed into the bathroom, smiling at Mila as I watched her furrow her eyebrows at me as she walked up the stairs.

"Chey, you're insane," I heard Jessie say outside the bathroom door.

"You're not wrong," I replied back before hopping in the shower.

I took a quick shower, careful not to wet my hair because it was easier to do my hair when it wasn't wet. I put on a tank top and basketball shorts so that I could do my makeup and hair without putting my prom dress on. I went out of the bathroom, sitting in front of Jessie's vanity, waiting for Mila to get ready with me.

"How are you doing your hair?" I asked her.

"Ponytail," said as if it was some crazy hairstyle.

"Okay then...wanna do my hair?"

"I knew you'd ask me that," She laughed, pulling a chair next to me to do my hair.

The three hours flew by in a flash. Pretty soon, Mila and I were twirling around in our dresses, complimenting each other on how great we looked. Mila's mom, Aunt Mary, and Uncle Chris waited for us downstairs as we waited for that crucial moment before prom when we got to walk down the staircase.

"You guys ready for me to'introduce' you?" Jessie- our official MC for the night-said, peeking her head into the room.

We nodded our heads with a few chuckles, preparing for that special moment.

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