"Okay let's try something else." Stiles says pulling out keys. "Okay these are Deaton's keys fro the clinic. Close your eyes, and I'm gonna put them in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out his location. It's called psychometry." Stiles informs us. "I'm not psychic." Lydia interjects.

"You're something! Okay? Just Lydia, put out your hand." Stiles demands. Lydia makes a noise. "What? They're cold." Lydia states. "Lydia, concentrate please. Trying to save lives here got the love of God." Stiles sighs. I find the entire interaction amusing.

"Let's move on, shall we?" I ask. Stiles pulls out a notebook and a piece of paper. "Automatic writing." I state. Lydia starts drawing something. "Lydia what are you doing? What the hell is that?" Stiles questions. "A tree." Lydia answers. "A tr- Lydia you're supposed to be writing words like in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell us where he is." Stiles rants eyes bugging out of his head.

"Well maybe you should've said that." Lydia replies. "Isn't she supposed to be a genius or something?" Cora questions. "Genius, yes. Psychic, no. I don't know why you're even bothering with me anyway. I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny." Lydia says.

"Why?" I ask. "Because last night, he was a target. But it wasn't a sacrifice." Scott states. "But isn't Danny still in the hospital?" Lydia questions. "Yeah. That's where we're going right now." Stiles says. "I'll meet you there." Scott states. "Why?" I ask. He shows us the text he got from Allison.

I stand guard while Stiles looks in Danny's room. "He found something. I've gotta call Scott." Stiles states. "Okay don't tell me." I mutter. "Danny was doing a project on something for Harris' physics class, and I think it actually means something. Something on Telluric Currents." Stiles says.

We all meet up at Deaton's clinic. "Okay so what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora asks. "Because it's not just homework, okay? It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the Earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases alright? Now look at this." Stiles explains.

"'I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The ideas there, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class.'" Lydia reads. "Harris wasn't just a sacrifice. He knew something." Scott states.

"Now check this out. Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map. Danny had one too. Danny marked all the Telluric Currents okay? Now the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it's actually a beacon. You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through this Earth is around this town." Stiles rants. "The maps match." I state.

We then figure out the pattern of the sacrifices. We also figure out the location of Deaton, the bank vault the alphas kept Cora and Boyd in. "It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power." Lydia states. "It's just like he said. Go. Lia and I will go save Deaton." Scott says. "Scott what about us?" Stiles asks. "Cora can't get there fast enough without you." Scott states.

I hop on his motorcycle and we speed to the bank. Once we get into the vault, we find that Deaton is in a ring of mountain ash. "Scott, just stay with him. I'm gonna look for something that I can throw to cut him down." I state.

Of course there's nothing sharp around for miles. Sheriff Stilinski pulls into the parking lot. "Hurry, Deaton's in there. We can't get him down." I state. "Let me give it a shot." Stilinski says firing his gun. It snaps the rope and Deaton is let down. We position Deaton against a wall so he can rest.

"How'd you find us?" Scott asks. "The vials in the clinic with the Celtic symbols on them. I knew that one of them looked familiar." Stilinski explains referring to the bank logo. "Sheriff thank you for being one hell of a detective." Deaton says. "You bet. Let's get you an ambulance." Stilinski replies.

Once Stilinski is out of earshot, Deaton grabs Scott. "Your eyes were red. Bright red." Deaton states. "Paramedics are on their way. I'll be back in half a minute." Stilinski says. "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?" I question.

"It's rare. It's something that doesn't happen within 100 years, but every once and awhile, a beta can become an alpha without having to steal or take that power. They call it a True Alpha. It's one who rises purely on the strength of character, by virtue, by sheer force of will." Deaton explains.

"You knew this would happen." Scott states. "I believed. From the moment I knew you were bitten, I believed." Deaton says. "You're not the only one." Scott states. "No. Deucalion isn't after Derek. He's after you." Deaton replies.

"Hold on. We just stopped the third sacrifice from happening. What does that mean? Does the Darach just find a replacement? Or do they start again with another three?" I question. "I don't know. All I know is that the Darach will be extremely angry and vengeful for stopping them from completing their agenda." Deaton answers.

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