Birthday sex|E.D

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It was your Birthday today and you were excited to get to Ethan's House. Unfortunately you had a school day today... Although you could just skip school... It was your senior year and you wanted to make a good impression on yourself.

You were in French class (only cause I take french😁🤘🏻). You were really hungry... Yes hungry. So you told your friend Y/F/N....

"J'ai Faim, Tu as Faim....?!"

She looked at you like...uh wtf speak English. But no you're not aloud to in French class....

"J'ai Soif et J'ai Faim..... DONNE-MOI Une Pizza s'il te plaît!" You said.... Is she stupid?! Because she should know this by now....

You just scoffed and turned back around in your seat. She obviously doesn't even have a clue what it's gonna mean....

Then you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket. Oh goodie, time to suffer because you want to check your phone so badly....

You slowly worked it out of your pocket and held it under the desk. You had gotten a text from Eth.

Ethan: Babie When do you get out of school?!...

You: 2:15, why?!

Ethan: No reason... I love you... See you soon😘

You: See you soon love you too😘💕

-After School-

You made your way down the hallway and bust through the doors. You were very eager to get home.

You started your very long-tiring-forced-sweaty-anxious-depressing-boring-wedgey filled walk to Ethan's house .

When you finally showed at his doorstep, you just walked In.

Doorbells are for people with patience!

When you walked in everything seemed silent. But it wasn't gonna be like that for long(😏). You set your things down on the counter and walked towards Ethan's bedroom smiling.

You opened the door slowly. Ethan was waiting for you on the bed (I'm very bored okay😂👌🏻) in his white joggers (DAYM DANIEL).

"Hey baby!" He smiled. You walked over to him. You hopped on the bed, kicking your shoes off.

"Hey." You kissed him. It obviously turns into a make-out session...

You rubbed your hand down his abs. Woah.

He slide down your bottoms and threw them across the room. You pulled down his joggers. He laid back on top of you and kissed you roughly.

He looked into your eyes for reassurance. You kissed him. He took that as a yes and slowly slide into you.

"BABIE!!" You moan loudly. He kisses you to quiet your moans. He starting going slowly.

"Faster" you moan quietly. He does as asked and started thrusting in and out(😑🙏🏼). You dug your nails into his back and put your head into the crook of his neck. He groaned and started going faster.

"Eth" you moan. You throw your head back and you put one hand on his bicep.(can we just😍).

You felt your stomach tighten and you let out a heavy breath.

"Eth I'm close" you whisper.

"Me too" he replies.

His thrusts became sloppier and sloppier. He pulled out and released on your stomach. You relaxed as Ethans laid beside you.

You looked down at your stomach to see the mess. Ethan noticed and got a Tish and wiped the mess off your stomach. He threw the mess away and walked back over to you.

He cuddled up to you and rested his face in the crook of your neck.

"Happy birthday baby!"He exclaimed

"I love you Eth"!"You reply out of breath.


A/N: yes I did just use some smut I had already written😂👌🏻...


I'm posting two tonight hopefully😂👌🏻

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