Chapter 5 An unprecedented kiss

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'So you're a nerd?' My room-mate asks as I finish piling my clothes in the cupboard besides my bed.

'What gives you that idea?' I reply, zipping up the suit case and throwing it aside. I don't mind being a nerd. I'd rather be that than a fake silicon plastic Barbie doll like Miss Stella Keeper.

Laura waves a Harry Potter book in my face 'Who reads Harry Potter books anymore? Aren't they for children?'

And here I go ballistic. Harry Potter isn't for children. It's for everyone. And Laura's words annoy me-like the FANGIRL I am.

'Have you even READ them Laura?' I demand, snatching the book from her hands,' They aren't for children! They're for everyone! Except you- who'll never know love and friendship and I feel sorry for you'

Okay, okay. My nerd radar is a bit sensitive. Whenever I'm mad, I start spitting out quotes and this one was from Harry Potter.

'Ohkay' Laura blinks then shrugs.
'Hey I'm gonna take a nap. Are you going out?'

I nod' I'm gonna get to know the kids better'

'Good luck' she yawns' Kids are brats'

I shake my head silently then proceed towards he door where Laura has stuck a poster of Justin Beiber.
I wrinkle my nose then step out, closing the door after.

Immediately I catch Apsen and another counsellor flirting besides the neighboring cabin, the girl caught up beneath his arms, Apsen smirking and the poor girl blushing red.

'Disgusting isn't it?'
I look at the guy besides me.
And I like him. I can tell he's different from the way he leans against the cabin, his arms folded and a sense of humor in his blue eyes.

'I've been watching that guy for hours' he says,shaking his head.

'He's a player. He's been with a different girl every hour. I think he has a lack-of-girl disorder'

And I laugh.

I sober up 'I'm Emily'
The guy grins' Adam Sader'

I smile back and study his features. Not exactly hot like Apsen. He has short cropped black hair and blue eyes. His Nose is turned up and his freckles are splashed across his face.

'Where do you live?' He asks.
'Westminer' I answer briefly,'you?'


'Thats really close'


A few moments of awkward silence in which I pull on one of my curls and he gazes at Aspen and the girl.

'Is she-' I start, clearing my throat.

He manages a painful smile,'Yeah'

Suddenly a mass of kids emerge from the cabins at the other side and crowd around the make-shift stage at the centre where a tall pole stands with a flag hanging limply from it.

'What's that about?' I wonder, as a short pudgy man in a sun hat climbs onto the stage and waves at the crowd of small kids.

'Hello folks!' he speaks into a bullhorn, his voice sickeningly sweet and dripping with fake humor.

'Is that guy evil?' Adam whispers and I manage a chuckle.

'Lets get closer'

And we do. I notice a few other counsellors heading forward, all in uniform except a select few.

'Soooooo' Pudgy claps his hands.
'I know work for you counsellors doesn't start till tomorrow but I wanted you-well some of you- to get to know the kids. There's a variety of activities spread throughout our fields. You are welcome to take up a couple of kids, and engage them in recreational activities like football, table tennis, croquet.'

Me and Adam exchange a shocked look.

'Kidding!' Pudgy chuckles, 'Well you get what I mean! So, what are you waiting for!? Go and have fun!'

And with this he hops off and trots to the head cabin,leaving behind some hyperactive kids and a bunch of teenagers with no experience of handling kids

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