•Chapter 5•

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Cisco waits for my answer.

"N-No, i'm not, she's dating someone?"

"Then, why is there lipstick all over your lips?"

" W-we were doing the blindfolded makeup challenge."

"Okay, Wait so Caitlin you're not dating anybody?"

"No, I'm not Cisco. I told you I wasn't."

"Alright, then I should go....Have fun doing the challenge!"

Cisco waves goodbye,

"Whew that was so close,"

"yeah, if you hadn't thought of an excuse, he would've murdered us for not telling him about us."


"You okay Barry?"

She hugs me and I accept her embrace,

"Yeah, i'm fine if I have you in my life."


When I was talking to Barry, I noticed that they both hesitated to talk to me.

Something's going on...

I ignore it and go in my living room to play on my Xbox One.


Cisco was so close to finding out that me and Barry are together. If he had found out that would've been bad, he probably would beat up Barry. Then, be upset that we didn't tell him sooner.. But I don't know what his reaction would be, Cisco is Cisco.

I'm glad that me and Barry are dating in secret right now, so we can keep it to ourselves and not be bothered with it 24/7.

Barry is getting ready to leave my house to go home. Meanwhile, I want to ask him to stay here for the night. But, i'm nervous... I decide I should ask him, and it's not too soon for him to stay over.


"Yeah Cait?"

"C-Can you stay over tonight? I don't want you to leave..."

"Sure, anything for you babe."

I smile as he calls me babe, because that means that we are together. Ever since I met Barry I fell in love with him, and I couldn't stop thinking about him. It hurt me to see him pining after Iris because I wanted him to be mine.
Only mine, and now he is and I couldn't be any happier.

I grab Barry by the arm and bring him to the kitchen,

"What shall we have for dinner, mister?"

"I don't know, how about some nice chicken francese?"

"Do you want to cook it with me, or order it?"

"How about we cook it, it'll be fun. Especially with you."

He grins after he finishes his sentence.

"Okay, let's make some Chicken Francese!"


While me and Barry are making the dinner I hear him go to the bathroom. So I go to the pan and start moving the chicken around. I feel arms wrap around me in a warm embrace. I smile as I turn around and give Barry a quick kiss.
"You hungry? The chicken's ready."

"I'm so hungry."

"Alright here."

I hand him a plate with 3 Chicken's.

"Thanks beautiful."

I blush,

"You're welcome, thank you for agreeing to stay the night with me."

"Anything Cait, well let's eat, I'm starving!"



After we eat Barry says we should just go into bed and watch some TV. So we go into my bedroom. I open my drawer to find some pajamas to change into. I walk to the bathroom to get changed and after I'm changed I jump into the bed.
Barry comes out of the bathroom shirtless with boxers on.

Oh my god, he's so hot, how did I get him?

Barry gets into bed next to me and snuggles with me. I put my head on top of his chest and kiss it.

"Goodnight Barry."

"Goodnight Caitlin, I love you."

"I love you too."

As soon as those words leave my mouth I fall fast asleep in Barry's arms.

>> the morning

Me and Barry walk into S.T.A.R. Labs holding hands quickly realizing that Cisco, Joe, and Iris were there, as we let go of each other's hand, Barry asks

"Hey guys, what are you doing here so early?"

Cisco replies,
"Barry, last night there was an attack in the middle of the night.."

"Alright, any information on this metahuman?"

"Yes, it seems as he is at Central City bank right now. Go!"


I superspeed as I get my suit on, as I run past everyone I realize Caitlin has a nervous look on her face. When I get to the bank I see the metahuman attacking civilians

"Hey, hey, why are you hurting all these innocent people?"

The metahuman doesn't reply when he punches a man down to the floor. I superspeed to him and punch him at every angle, he gets knocked down as blood drips down his mouth.

"Why did you hurt all of these innocent people? What did they do to you huh?"

"H-he promised me he would bring me home."

"Who? Who promised you that?"

There is a silence until the man speaks.


The metahuman dies from anxiety, as I get up to speed back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Once I arrive I take off my suit and put on my clothes in superspeed. I walk into the cortex and get everyone's attention.

"The metahuman said that he hurt all the civilians because someone promised him he would bring him home. So I asked him who promised him that. And he replied with the name Zoom?"

"Sounds like some really bad guy, so that's not good news. But why would he say 'take me back home'?"

"I don't know Cisco,"

"Well, as you said yesterday morning. I upgraded security. Nobody will be able to get in here-"

Cisco is cut off by some loud footsteps.

A man appears out of the shadow.
I speak,

"Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger."

End of chapter

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