
405 17 0

Word count: 624


-2 months later-
(Wells is dead, and they know about him being the reverse flash)

Cisco calls me while I'm eating breakfast, I pick up the phone and answer his call.

"Hey Cisco, what's up man?"

"Well Barry, I was thinking that you should come to S.T.A.R. Labs and go through the security footage for weird and unexpected things we didn't see..."

"Sure, I'll do that, on my way."

/at S.T.A.R. Labs/

I walk into the cortex,
"Hey Cisco where is the control station for the security footage? I'll get started going through it."

"Oh, it's in the time chamber, Gideon has it all."

"The time chamber?"

I get a flashback of when Cisco, Caitlin, and I found out about the time chamber and wells being the reverse flash.
' flash missing, vanishes in crisis.',
His creepy yellow suit.

I get goosebumps on my arms.

"Alright, Cisco if you need me I'll be in there."

I walk to the wall in which the door to the time chamber is, and put my hand on top of the scanner. It accepts, and the door opens to pitch black. I walk in and start talking.


Gideon turns on and illuminates the room,

"Yes Mr. Allen?"

"Can you please turn on the lights?"

Gideon turns on the lights and I see the yellow suit,
I feel a wave of rage,

"Thank you Gideon."

"Anything for you."

"Gideon, also, can you please show me the security footage from every camera in S.T.A.R. Labs for the last year?"


I see familiar faces, meta-humans, Joe and Iris, Eddie, Eddie. It's all my fault. He would have been alive if it wasn't for me.

I get back to reality and check the security footage for S.T.A.R. Labs. I flash through it.
[no pun intended]
I stop the security footage for a second, my phone rings. It's Joe. I pick up the phone.

"Hey Joe, what's up?"

"Hey Bar, oh I just wanted to tell you that there are no crime scenes today, so maybe you want to come to dinner with me and Iris tonight? It's at the house."

"U-uh yeah sure, what time?"

"6:30. If that's fine with you.."

"Yeah, yeah that's fine, see you tonight."

"Bye Bar,"

"See you Joe."

I hang up and look back at the screen.

It's me and Caitlin at the cortex in the lab. Just standing there.
Hmm, I don't remember that.
I spot the shirt I'm wearing and notice it that's when Bates kidnapped me.
Wait so that's Bates, disguised as me.
Alright let's see what happened, did she find out it wasn't me?

I turn on the security footage and zoom in to the one with me and Caitlin in it and put it to normal speed.

"Uh, Barry?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Fake-me moves out of the way, and Caitlin spins the four test tubes together on the spinner.
Bates stands practically 4 centimeters away from her. Did he do something bad to her?
Caitlin turns around and sees him standing right in front of her.

"Barry, uh what are you doing"

She walks to the needles with the test tubes.
Me, well fake-me walks towards Caitlin's back, and says,

"Something, I should have done, a long time ago,"
as he twirls Caitlin around and wraps his arms around her.
Wh-What I'm going to kill this fu-
I watch the footage and 'I' kiss Caitlin, Caitlin has a weird look on her face and doesn't kiss back. She cuts off Bates kissing,

"Barry, uh-"

Bates cuts her off and kisses her once more, this time, her eyes are closed as she kisses him back.

Holy crap.

End of chapter

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