The People With the Worst Handwriting Ever--I mean, Doctors

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Doctors. We all have them. Whether it's a simple med check or because you're about to die from food poisoning, you've been to one. So grab some popcorn and join me as I make fun of the world's main medical personnel.

First off, let's go over their handwriting. Imma ask one question before I start; has anyone here actually been able to read a doctor's handwriting? Because if you have, you deserve a gold star.

Seriously, bruh, I know you're trying to write fast because you have a bajillion other things to do, but how's the person at the pharmacy gonna understand that crap? In fact, I'm 100% sure the people at CVS have to go through hardcore training to understand doctor handwriting. And if you don't tell me what the medicine is, how am I gonna know what you're prescribing? I could be taking sugar in a capsule and be thinking it's an expensive drug I'm getting myself into. And I know that sounds paranoid, but you can never be too careful in today's society.

In other words; doctors, your handwriting looks like you're constantly trying to write a signature. And trust me when I say that the prescription tab thingy isn't an autograph. You're not Daniel Radcliffe. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Also, is it just me, or are doctors offices completely inaccessible despite the fact that the people who need to get inside them are either too sick to do so or are just unable to?

For example, my mother's acupuncturist had stairs. And they were steep. And scary. AND SHE HAD A FREAKING DISEASE THAT DETERIORATES YOUR MUSCLES. AND A METAL HIP BECAUSE HER PREVIOUS ONE WAS FRACTURED.

Sorry, got carried away there.

And why are they always on the top floor? I mean, someone's gonna die one day because they had a cardio issue, the specialist's office was on the fifth floor, and it just so happened that the building didn't have an elevator.

Then when you finally survive the task of getting inside the building, you have to survive the waiting room.

Oh, the waiting room.

The worst part is how long you have to wait there. Like, my appointment was at 5PM. I get there at 4: 30 because I want time to fill out paperwork and crap. And then when do I finally get to see you? At 7: 30PM because you were late, I had to deal with your nurse too, and then you take another two hours to actually come in the room.

And this is super annoying because I have a life to live. Maybe I have an appointment after this. Hell, maybe I have Wattpad book to update and my fans are threatening to come to my house with pitchforks and brutally murder me if I don't give them another chapter by midnight. Maybe this is my own fault because I left it at a cliffhanger and haven't updated in eight months.

Either way, I'll still blame my death on you because you took your sweet old time, you koala bear.

Oh, but of course the waiting room has tons of magazines to keep you busy. Of course it does. It's a waiting room.

You see, there's one problem with that; I DON'T LIKE THE MAGAZINES THAT ARE THERE.

I don't want to see shirtless men or photoshopped girls in bikinis. Or the latest Chevy Impala. Just give me my Harry Potter book and I'll be happy!

Or, why don't they put rubix cubes in the waiting room? That'll keep me busy until the sloth of a doctor comes, because I've never been able to solve one and probably never will.

And then when you finally get out of the waiting room, have your appointment, and realize how much this thing costs, you wish you had never gone in the first place.

The doctor in question may be the nicest person in the world, but I would have a closet of apples to keep them away. Why? BECAUSE THEY SUCK UP MY MONEY LIKE A VACCUM CLEANER. I AIN'T RICH.

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