The Hospital: Where Blended Toast Is A Legit Entrée

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Let's talk about my least favorite place on the planet:

The Hospital AKA Hell On Earth

Yes, I know it has doctors who cure fatal diseases. Yes, I know it saves lives practically everyday. But I still hate it. The food tastes horrible. The beds are freakin' uncomfortable. Some of the nurses there are trolls. It's not my cup of tea.

Then there's that illusion that hospitals and nursing homes are nice.


Not funny, huh? Okay, then. Let's continue.

This annoys me for many reasons:

1. It's a big, fat lie.
2. How do you think I'd get a proper education if I spent most of my days in that hellhole that's called a hospital?
3. I wouldn't tell that to a person if you paid me.

I know some (okay, maybe more than some) disabled people do spend a large amount of time in the hospitals, and I feel terribly sorry for them. But from my experience, most of my time in the hospitals was spent as a small infant, so I don't remember much...

I think the worst part about the hospital is the surgery. I myself don't remember having surgery, but I know people that have, and it took them MONTHS to recover. Sad, right?

So, you're probably wondering why I'm writing about hospitals. Well, hospitals play a MAJOR part in the life of a disabled person (unfortunately). And it doesn't have to be when we have a surgery or if we're injured. It can be anything from physical therapy to a short checkin about our health.

Another thing that irks me about hospitals is the robes that the patients have to wear. Raise your hand and say an "amen" with me if you know what I'm talking about.


Those robes are so immodest! They show everything you don't want to see (as you can can see, I'm struggling to keep this G rated). Not to mention, they're freakin' uncomfortable! And people expect patients to walk around the hospital in those? Honestly, society these days!

What else was I going to rant about? Oh, that's right! The disgusting food! Hospital food is disgusting, and there's nothing you can say that'll make me believe it's not. Honestly! My mother was in the hospital one time, and they gave her blended toast because she couldn't swallow properly. Blended toast. That's not even toast anymore; it's just a pile of goop and disgustingness! What has this world come to? Giving people blended toast.

And then there's the needles and injections. Grr! Here's what happens every single time:

Nurse or whoever's doing the injection: It won't hurt. I promise.
Me: *doubtfully* Okay.
Nurse: *sticks needle into my skin*
Me: *tries not to cry out in pain* You're right. That doesn't hurt at all.

Raise your hand if this has happened to you.

*everyone raises their hand*

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