When I Get Home You're So Dead

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Liam wasn't the most popular guy in the school yeah he had glasses and had braces to help correct his crooked teeth but he had a huge heart that nobody could break. Well that was until the popular girl of the school Y/n Fuentes came into his life and fucked everything up for him. Now let's get to the moral of the story of how girls make boys cry...

Liam sat at his normal lunch table with his two best friends in the entire world Zayn Malik and Niall Horan. Zayn was the greatest mathematics genius the school has ever had but nobody notices because one he is a nerd and two he hangs out with Liam. Niall is what you called a average school goer he gets average grades,average home life,and has almost average friends.
"Golly Zayn I got a 98 on a math test that's the worst I got in my entire life!" Liam said examine the test he got back disappointed in his grade even though he had the highest grade in the entire class!
"Let me look at it!" Zayn said wiping his nacho covered fingers on the napkin that laid neatly on his lap. Zayn scanned the paper his eyes getting bigger as he realized the tiny mistake Liam had made.
"Li you forgot to add the decimal you doof!" He says giggling taking another bite of nachos moaning at the cheesy goodness.
"Dang you decimals!" He says slamming the paper down rubbing his temples.
"Liam why are you stressing you have a fucking 100 in math I have a 53 stop complaining!" Niall says scribbling down random answers on his biology homework that was suppose to be turned in yesterday.
"No need to curse Ni" Liam replies taking small bites of his sandwich that his dad packed him.
"Sorry m' just stressed" he says rubbing his brown roots continuing his random answer streak.
"It's okay" Liam says continuing to eat until his eye catches two slick brown ones.
"Liam what are you looking at ohh" Zayn says craning his neck to see what Liam was looking at smiling when he sees the two brown skinned beauty stating their direction.
"I wonder what those two bitches wants?" Niall says munching on a Oreo cookie from Liam's lunch box.
"NIALL HORAN!" Zayn shrieked in horror at his best friends behavior.
"What?' He says shrugging his shoulders at him.
"That's no way to talk about two young ladies!" Liam says glaring at the Irish lad who once again shrugged his shoulders not caring that he called those girls bitches.
"Holy crud their walking our way!" Zayn said fixing his hair that was in a small man bun. Liam froze as the long slender legs of the brown skinned girl came his way smiling her pearly white teeth in his direction. He felt butterflies in his stomach when she sat next to him and let's just say he could smell her perfume that covered her body.
"H-hi" he replies giving her a small wave a small blush creeping up his neck.
"Hello Liam!" She says her lip gloss covered lips sparkling. Liam was mesmerized by her his heart skipped a beat every time she talked.
"Liam?" Liam was quickly snapped out of his trance coming back to reality.
"I'm sorry that was rude of me what did you say?"
"I said who you like to accompany me to Sara's party this weekend?" She says flashing him puppy dog eyes knowing he would say yes to her little trap she had set up for him.
"YES, I mean yes!" He says coughing rubbing his neck in embarrassment.
"Great meet me at Sonya's Cafe at what 8:00?" She says standing up from the table with her best friend Bree.
"Yeah that would be great!" He says his voice cracking making him even more embarrassed. When the duo left Niall looked at the two happy lads.
"I don't trust this one bit!" Niall says getting up once the bell rung going to his next class a unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. All Niall could think was if his baby boy got hurt by that bitch all hell is breaking loose.
Liam was getting dressed with Zayn while Niall watched intently car keys in hands.
"Guys I don't know about this!" Niall said standing up once he sees they are both fully dressed.
"Ni what are you talking about?" Liam asked leaving the superhero themed room with Zayn on his side.
"Don't you think it's weird that the two girls popped out of nowhere asking you to a party that basically everyone is going too?" He says hopping in the car driving to the location he was suppose to get the two girls.
"Maybe their nice!"  Zayn says smiling his lime green braces showing. The entire car ride was silent until he saw the two sluts in two little dress standing outside.
"Here we go!" Niall muttered unlocking the doors so they could get in.
"LEEYUM!" Y/n screamed kissing his cheek making Niall growl.
"Who are you?" Bree asked her brown eyes filled with confusion.
"I'm Niall who are you? Satan" he says speeding off to the directions that was given to him by Y/n.
Once they made it the house was quiet and it looked like nobody was here.
"Are you sure this is the right location?" Liam asked walking up the steps to the large house.
"Yep!" She says giving a evil smirk before letting him into the pitch black house.
"1..2..3 GET THEM!" The lights turned on and boys with large water guns sprayed large amounts of paint,sauce,and drinks at Liam and Zayn making them squeal. Liam tried stepping back but slipped falling harshly on his bum Zayn doing the same. Niall tried helping but was held back by two huge quarterbacks from the football team.
"PLEASE STOP!" Liam squealed tears falling from his puppy dog eyes. Y/n cackled evilly before putting her hand up to stop them.
"Is wittle Leeyum gonna cwy?" She says fake crying laughing after he fact.
"I though you like me?" He says looking up his brown eyes like a faucet tears falling down.
"Why would I like a punk ass like you? Your ugly and a disgusting nerd nobody wants to fuck with. Plus I already have a boyfriend!" Harry Styles the school jock who stood next to her holding a water gun kissing her Bree doing the same thing to Connor. Liam got up only to fall back down in the gunk.
"Your such a loser!" When she said that everyone chanted it. Niall broke free from the two guys grip running towards the two lads.
"Are you okay?" He ask concern in his blue eyes. A,l they could do was shake their heads yes not rusting their voices at the moments. He helped them up whispering to them to go to the car.
"Y/n you are the weakest bitch I ever met in my whole fuckin' life! You preyed on the two innocent boys for what because you were bored? Let's me just say this before I hurt you little feelings...BURN IN HELL AND NEVER I MEAN EVER TALK TO LIAM PAYNE AND ZAYN MALIK EVER AGAIN OR ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOSE?!"he says flipping her off and kicking Harry and Connor in the balls before zooming off with two sleeping boys in the back seat cuddled up.
The trio had a song specially made for Bree and Y/n for the school to hear.
"Today we have a special song for Bree Quintos and Y/n Fuentes. This is a apology letter after Niall hurt their feeling at the party that was on Saturday!" Liam says starting to strum his guitar sniffling after seeing her sitting on the lap of Harry.
"As you should!" Y/n screamed from the bottom leaves of the cafeteria playing with Harry's curls.
The words are coming
I feel terrible
Is it typical for us to act like this?
Am I just another scene from a movie
That you've seen one hundred times?
Cause baby, you weren't the first, or the last, or the worst
And I've got to fill the blanks in the past with a verse
We could sit around and cry
But frankly, you're not worth it anymore

So say hello to all the boys
At the top of this table that you're under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby, I understand how you're making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry
And I...

On any other day I would shoot the boy
But your simple toy had caused a scene like this
Leave him hanging on the walls
Just a picture in the hall
Like a hundred more
(Like a hundred more)
Consider this as a gift as you taste him on your lips
And he's making you scream with his hands on your hips
I hope he's leaving you empty, baby
This is just a fix for such a simple little whore

So say hello to all the boys
At the top of this table that you're under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby, I understand how you're making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry

And your name remains the same
All that has changed is this pretty face
So pull the trigger
It never gets closer
You want to start over
But never start over
Pull the trigger
It never gets closer
You want to start over
But never start over

So say hello to all the boys
At the top of this table that you're under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby, I understand how you're making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry
And I...

Say hello, say hello
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby, I understand how you're making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry

When the song ended the entire cafeteria was silent until Y/n ran out the cafeteria crying. Niall got up from the drum set kissing Liam on the lips.
"I love you Liam I always have and always will I know this is all of a sudden but will you be my boyfriend?" He says getting on one knee holding s red rose.
"Yes!" He hugged the Irish lad kissing his cheek.
Did you expect that twist?
Tell me how you though of this type of story should I do more or no?

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