He's homeless (Zayn&Niall only)

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Zayn: You were just about to lock up the diner to go home but you had one more thing to do before leaving...take out the trash. You grabbed all the trash bags making your way to the big green door in the back. You opened the back door quickly dumping it in to the large dumpster. You walked back in the door stopping when you heard a noise. You creeped back outside to see a man no older than 20 searching through the trash looking for what you think was food.
"Sir?" You said creeping towards him making sure not to startle him. He looked up his eyes filled with desperation like he was begging for help but was to afraid to ask.
"Are you hungry?" You ask stepping closer thankful he didn't move away from you. He shook his head yes rapidly making you smile. You grabbed his hand taking him to the diner. You turned all the lights on setting him on the stool while you cooked him a burger,fries,chicken nuggets,you gave him a cookie and for something special a milkshake with whip cream and two cherries on top. You came out from the kitchen handing him the food his eyes got wide.
"I can't pay for this...but thanks anyway" he says standing up to leave but you caught his arm before he could.
"It's free so take a seat and enjoy this please..." He hesitantly sat down taking small bites of the food. You smiled when you heard his tummy gurgle in happiness.
"So what's your name?" You ask casually trying to start a conversation with the man.
"Zen" his thick British accent coming through loud and clear
"No Zen"
"That's what I said Zen!"
"Hold on...Hi I'm Zayn and I live in the valley!" He says in a American accent.
"Oh so it's Zayn I got you. So Zayn if I may ask how did you become um..."
"Homeless. Well to make a long story short I fell in love with a girl I gave her everything to the moon and back but comes to find out she was using me for my money. So one day I was trying to buy something but all my credit cards were maxed out. I had nothing left not even a penny to my name. I tried reaching out to my parents but they just said oh well so yeah!" He says dipping a fry in some sauce before popping it in his mouth.
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Its okay not your fault. "he says getting up from the stool. 2 hours later you two were still talking that's when you looked at your watch.
"Gosh I have to go" you say getting up grabbing your coat from the rack. You got the key locking the door shut.
"Yeah me too I have to go before all the cots are taken" you both gave each other a hug goodbye.
"Hopefully I see you again.." They both whisper as they parted separate ways.

"Niall can you please stop begin difficult?" You say as Niall keeps arguing over him leaving with you after his parents kicked him out for the fifth time this week and this time for good.
"Y/n I'm not being difficult I'm being reasonable. Your mom and dad have enough to hand,e and they don't need a misfit like me in their home." He says slouching on your guys front porch his luggage inside the house in the 3rd guest room.
"Firstly Niall your not a misfit secondly my mom and dad and my little brothers love you like you were there son and older brother so your staying here!
"No if ands or buts about it no go in that house and get washed up for lunch!" You say stern,y laughing at Niall's face.
"Yes ma'am" he says saluting at you going inside the three story house you following behind him laughing at his childish behavior.

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