chapter two.

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Lilah's POV
The next day.

I took that day off work to Invite my high school best friend Serena, over. I hadn't seen her since high school, a mere year-and-a-half ago, and though we texted and called everyday, it felt like I hadn't talked to her since. I was stoked she was finally visiting, she lived in California, and not too often did she leave California. She was to spend a couple nights at my house and leave Monday morning. (It was Friday.)

I woke up at nine O'clock, showered and ate breakfast, at exactly ten O clock on the dot, I heard two knocks at the door. I got to the door as quickly as possible and there she was, standing,
Then leaping,
Then almost tackling me.

We hugged for a little while and mumbled our hello's before retreating into my new apartment and sitting on the couch to catch up.

"I have missed you so. much. Lil," She said,
"Me too!" We spent from 10;00 to 12;30 catching up, she asked about my newly ex-boyfriend, Derrick, I asked about her newly fiancé, we talked about the inconvenient passing of my father, some tears were shed, but mostly that afternoon was filled with happiness. We turned on Boy Meets World and binge-watched that in our PJs with a bowl of popcorn until around seven-thirty, which is when Serena headed into my kitchen.

"You have anything to eat other than popcorn and Ramen Noodles?" she whined from the other room.

"Nope," I replied, pausing the TV for her.

She swung back into the living room and plopped down on my white couch. "I'll go get you some groceries," She said, leaning her elbows on her knees.

"You will?"

"Mhm, look I know how hard it is losing a parent, I do, and I recall when my mom was In he car accident, you bought me ramen noodles and popcorn. But im going to do you a favor and buy you real food, I know you'll thank me later." She said, smiling sadly.

"I'm thanking you now, Serena, thank you." I said, she stood up and tore through her overnight bag, she dropped her pjs right in my kitchen and threw on some jeans.
"Perks of living alone." She laughed, before throwing on her jacket and heading towards the door. "I'll be back soon, don't you Dare watch that without me." She said, looking over her shoulder,
"don't you dare."

"Love you, S, thanks."
She opened the door and walked out onto the wet sidewalk. Though the rain had subsided, everything was still drenched. I figured it would take at least until tomorrow for the dampness to be completely gone.

I sat on my couch flicking through my facebook feed until I got a text.

I'm on my way to your new apartment, I want to talk with you.

Oh boy. I put my fingers to my temples, I could not deal with him today, not after he cheated on me. Boy wasn't my life just a series of unfortunate events.

"Don't" I replied.

"I am." He said. I sent him various protests but he seemed to be ignoring them, if I knew anything about Derrick, it was that he was stubborn. Him and his brown hair.

five minutes after I received that text, I heard a slight knock on the door. Ugh. I got up and made my way there, now aware that my Pj shorts were only short enough to be hanging with Serena, and pulled open the door,

"What did I tell you the first tim-" I started, as I looked up at the face of someone that certainly was not Derrick, "oh." I said, quietly.

"Uhh.." He started, It was Max, the guy I shared a taxi with the other day, only something was different, he didn't have brown hair. He must have seen my face soften because he accepted my apology before I even muttered it.

"Look, it's alright." He said.

"Yea, sorry I totally thought you were someone else." I said, before adding, "someone with evil brown hair."

For a second, a look of confusion danced across his face, but he must have decided to ignore my comment.
"I uh... brought you a casserole." He said, and surely enough, there was a casserole in his hands.

"Would you.. like to come in for a second?" I asked, he nodded and I stepped back so he could enter, closing the door behind him.

"Thanks for this," I said, taking the dish from him.

"I'll be honest I bought it at the grocery store." He said, giving me a goofy grin, I gave a little laugh.

"I appreciate it anyways."

"I've seen it in movies where the neighbor brings the new neighbor a casserole and- yknow, a welcome gift from my roomies and I."

I laughed again. I saw him look me up and down and suddenly became very self conscious about my shorts, but I decided not to mention is, and he didn't either. I took the casserole to the kitchen, leaving Max in my doorway. I set it down on the table when I heard a knock at the door.

Oh no.

Oh no.

I scurried back towards Max, who was looking at the closed door with interest.

"I-uh.. I'm sorry." I said, reaching past him and grabbing the door handle, with a tug it opened to reveal Derrick, standing tall, looking apologetic, still as evil.

Oh no.

Max's POV

I stepped behind her so she could open the door, she did, to reveal a tall, brown haired man of about my age.

"I told you, we need to talk." He said,

"And I told you to not come to my house." she replied, crossing her arms over her chest, I stood back, watching the two get into a heated argument.

"It was a mistake baby!" He exclaimed and put his hand on her shoulder.

"It wasn't a mistake." She said, staring him down and pushing his hand off of her.

"Let me in. Let's talk about this." He said, he began to move towards her and began pushing her out of the way. Lilah tried to push him away but he just swatted her off. "Hey!" She cried, I snapped out of my trance and came out from my spot that couldn't be seen from outside, I made my way in front of him and put my hand on his chest, giving him a little push. For a second, he didn't say anything, Lilah didn't say anything and I didn't say anything, they both just stood there looking at me.

"Who's he." Said the guy, turning to Lilah.

"I-uh-he's.." She stammered.

"I'm her boyfriend." I said, standing tall. "Is there a problem?"

drive (mithzan short story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon