Start from the beginning

"The episodes. How long have you had them?"

"Since I was ten. It was after I had my first match, the first time I took life away from someone," she hung her head low in shame unable to bear the cloak of sympathy that fit his eyes like a glove.

He frowned. However, he still wanted to know almost as if he needed to know. "W-what d-did they do?"

Fighting back the fear and pain pulling onto her mind. She pleaded with him without saying a word. "You'd grow sick to your stomach if I told you."

"I don't care. I just...I just want you to open up to me, firecracker," he told her. His eyes softened at her body language—stiff as a board—as her eyes begged him not to ask her of it again. Remembering alone is painful enough. It was torture for her. The memories clawed at her skull every night preventing her from having a decent slumber. "I just want you to able to trust again. You can trust me."

She gave him a small smile reassured. Then her smile faltered. "T-they...beat me and..." she trailed off.

"B-beat you?" his voice was shaky. Shaky in rage.

She sighed pulling the hem of her hoodie up. As she took off her hoodie, there they were, almost every indication of the time she was "away". There she stood in front of him, showing the rest of "art" pieces that he created. Looking at them, his body felt hot. Blood rushing through his body almost waterfall-like. "Some of them are from fights I've been in."

She saw him squeezing his hand, trying to calm himself down. "W-where d-do the other ones come from?"

"Punishment..." she said lowly.

"Who did this to you?" he asked bitterly.

She didn't answer him, trying to fight back another one coming. Taking deep breath, she tried to think of her happiest memories pushing back the painful ones. Her heart beating and pounding at her chest. She was about to put her hoodie back when his voice lowered in a threatening tone as he repeated his question.

"Riley, so god help me, if you don't tell me who hurt you—"

"Please, don't make me do this," her voice cracked. Her eyes bearing a puddle of tears ready to spill. "Please." She asked fighting back her tears. "Please don't make me remember. I don't want to remember."

His eyes softened as he looked at her. Pushing himself off the bed, he went to her and pulled her into his embrace. "Okay." He whispered, rubbing her back. Her stiffened body—for the first time—relaxed. The one thing she feared most happened. Allowing herself to be vulnerable again. The minute she became vulnerable, it came again. Her mind was clouded again almost as if she was back there again. Her body began shaking as she murmured a soft cry for help, begging for them to stop—to leave her be. Instead, she saw their sadistic smiles, the hunger in their eyes eager to see beneath the dirty brown rags that she wore.

Wasting no time, they were ripped away. Unconsciously, she pushed Zayn away from her harshly. She grabbed her hoodie and put it back on. Rushing out of the room, she ran to her car without looking back. She needed to get away. Heart racing, she pushed as hard as she could trying to get away from him. Everywhere she looked, she saw his sadistic smile, his hungry, predatorial eyes. Once she got to her car, she got in and drove out of the parking lot quickly.

Meanwhile, Zayn watched from the window. He felt for her. He knew what it was. She wasn't well. Traumatized to the point of no return. He thought back to his time in the military, his first tour. He remembered how different his friends where coming back home. They lost a piece of themselves there. The same happened with her. A single tear left his eye as he figured that there was more, way more than he anticipated. The firecracker that he considered as family was broken—broken to the point of no repair, both physically and mentally.

He realized that she, like his late friends, needed help as much as she didn't want to admit it. He needed to do something before time runs out. He didn't want her to end up like them, so he vowed that he won't give up. He won't give up until his little firecracker returned. He won't give up on her. He won't allow her to do something that she'll regret. He won't allow her to take the easy route out.

"When I find who killed you, firecracker, I swear I will make everything better again. I will show you the light again," he said to himself.


OOF. That was a lot. 

Guys, if you're going through something, don't be afraid to express it. It may be hard and painful to talk about, but just know that there is always someone out there who will listen. None should carry that weight on their shoulders. If you can say it, then write it. Just write it somewhere, anywhere you hold dearly. Sometimes the most painful memories can be a masterpiece, your masterpiece. 

Riley has gone through a lot. This is the first time that she has ever willingly told anyone her secret. Let alone sort of open up to someone a little bit.  Do you feel like Zayn pushed her to the far though? By the way, pay attention to her sudden outbursts. 

See you soon, lovelies!

Black Mask [formerly known as The Street Fighter]- BOOK IWhere stories live. Discover now