•Chapter 22•

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Sweat ran down my forehead as my head hung low. My wrists stung from the deep cuts caused by the handcuffs that had be on my wrists for way too long. I had been sat in this chair for 12  hours now, though it's felt like at least 50 because of the constant pain. I heard the familiar sound of the door open, though I didn't bother to look up as I knew exactly who it was. It had been the hardest and most painful night of my life with Jace constantly visiting me with his knife.

"Ooh you don't look so good princess" Jace's voice taunted, sarcasm lacing his tone.

"Go to hell" I spat, glaring up at him 

"Stupid, stupid girl" he said before pulling his knife out and running it down my arm. I hissed at the familiar pain as he continued to slit my skin. He watched as the blood dripped down my arm and on to the floor, a crazed look in his eyes. He had been doing this for hours, cutting me and watching me bleed. It's like he enjoyed watching pain and suffering, which made him all the more terrifying. I had figured out by now that they didn't mind if Harry saw me suffer or not, it was for their own personal pleasure that they were torturing me as payback for Rose's death.

"Had enough yet?" He smirked, pulling the knife from my skin

"Please let me go" I cried, my skin stinging in irritation from all the salty tears.

"Where's the fun in that?" He laughed. He was interrupted when the door swung open again to reveal Matt stood looking over at Jace. Matt was cold don't get me wrong, but he was nothing compared to Jace as he didn't seem interested in the bloody details of my torture. Harry had already told me about Jace Anderson and his notorious reputation for rape and abuse of girls. How he can claim revenge for his sisters murder is beyond me? Hypocrite.

"What is it Matt?" Jace snapped, clearly pissed that his satanic torture session had been interrupted.

"He needs us on the phone" he said bluntly before throwing a gaze at me and leaving once again. Jace huffed and followed Matt out, leaving me alone in the room once again.

I mustered up all of my strength, pushing my force sideways to move the chair across the floor. I cringed when the floorboards creaked under the movement, pausing for a second to make sure I hadn't been detected.

After ensuring I was safe, I moved again whilst attempting to ignore the pain and exhaustion in my body. If I could open the door and see where the brothers were, then maybe I could find something in there to break the handcuffs with. I continued to make my way across the room, stopping every other minute when the pain got too much. Finally I reached the door. I lifted my foot carefully and pushed the handle down, letting the door swing open slightly.

I could set Matt and Jace sat on a sofa in the room next door, their backs to me. They were both talking down the phone.

"But surely if--" Matt was interrupted

"No! You just don't seem to understand" a harsh voice rang down the phone "have you both taken your sights of the goal?! He needs to die" the voice sounded almost familiar but I couldn't quite pin point if I knew it. I shook off the thought, putting it down to me going slightly crazy and continued to listen.

"The whole point of the I.O.P.C order is to eliminate him from existence! Do you understand?" The voice shouted, causing both Matt and Jace to jump.

"Yes boss" Matt rushed out

"Good, now stick to your orders. Her torture is not the be all and end all of our plan. We need her, she's our greatest weapon against him" I shivered at the mention of me, whatever they're planning to use me for they can fuck off!

"His demise will be under her actions. We're going to take his pretty little angel and turn her into his own personal demon" I covered my mouth with my hand in shock at his words.

"But how will we do that? He seems to have his hooks pretty deep in her" Matt sighed

"Oh please" the boss laughed "once she finds out---" I accidentally hit the bottom of the door with my foot, causing Matt and Jace's heads to snap around to me. I froze in fear as they stared at me through the gap in the door.

"We have to go boss" Jace said slowly before hanging up and heading towards me. I shuffled back from the door in fear as Jace's large frame came towards me.

"You nosy bitch, who said you were allowed to move?" He spat. He rose his hand and swung at my face causing pain to spread through my cheek.

"Jace! Remember what the boss said!" Matt hissed before Jace could slap me again.

"You're right, she'll be on our side soon enough anyway" Jace smirked causing me to scoff

"I will never be on your side" I glared up at his large frame.

"What's the I.O.P.C ?" I asked, turning my attention to Matt.

"That's none of your business" he said bluntly "just keep quiet or next time I won't stop Jace from tearing you to shreds" he turned and left, leaving me with Jace.

"He's right" Jace leaned forward, placing his hands on the chair arms and leaning his face inches from my own. I leaned back, avoiding his stare "I wouldn't mind having a good go on you" his eyes fell down to my chest as bile rose in my throat.

"See you later babe" he smirked before making a swift entrance and leaving me alone in the room. I let out a sigh of relief as more tears began running down my face. I had never felt this much pain in my life before, mentally or physically. I was never the damsel in distress kind before but right now there was no alternative, I couldn't get myself out of here.

I never dreamt that I would crave Harry as much as I do now, but I need him. Maybe it was the fact that I was afraid or maybe I was really going insane, but either way my feelings for Harry were growing significantly strong. I just wanted him to find me and take me away from here in his arms. They wanted me to help them take down Harry which wasn't going to happen. I will never help that pair of disgusting human beings and their pathetic I.O.P.C. I know that Harry's a killer and that what he's done is wrong but the Anderson brothers weren't exactly good people either, so why should they get to decide his fait? Clearly Matt and Jace were working for someone, as they addressed that mysterious man as 'boss'. But boss of what? The I.O.P.C ?

I hung my head as my muscles gave way once again.

"Harry please find me" I whispered to myself, as my eyes shut allowing more tears to fall.


This chapter is FULL of clues guys, so if you want to figure stuff out early, I would read this over.

Thank you for everyone who is voting and supporting me! It really means a lot!

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Angel [Dark H.S]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang