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Chapter Seven: I'm Alive

I ran through the town, passaging by the locals who looked at me like I was crazy. When I saw an opening between two buildings, I ran into the gap ,leading me into an empty alley way. I let out a deep breath, my back hitting the wall. Immediately, I roll up my sleve looking down at the strange white mark on my wrist.

What the hell is happening to me?

Turning over my hand, I notice a large lump on the back of my hand near my thumb and forefinger. The same spot in which I felt something bite me. I never really thought anything about it until now.

'Theres one missing' I recall that girl saying. One of the spiders...it wasn't in the glass casing.

My mouth pops open agape, I can't believe it... I hear a small clicking sound, and my head turns to it. Looking up the wall I see a spider web, a small spider crawling across the web.

With my mouth still agape in wonder, I look down at my fingertips, watching my thumb closely. Little hairs begin to sprout out from my skin. Hair that shouldn't be there. Spiders have hairs like this in order to climb, it gives them stability and balance.

The webs, the extra sense, my sudden clear eyesight, my new body and now these small spider hairs.

Am I becoming some sort of mutant spider?

Looking up the large scaling wall I wonder if I could test my theory. If I can climb this wall, then surely that is what must be happening, and I'm not just going crazy. If not, I'll have to pay a visit to Dr Cullen again for an emergency check up.

Tentatively, I splay out my fingertips resting them against the wall. I can immediately feel the strength my grip has on the wall. It's like having superglue on each of your fingers locking onto something. I raise my other hand bringing it up to the wall, as it sticks and my grip tightens.

This is crazy, I think to myself.

I pull my fingers off, climbing higher and higher up the wall, in wonder as my fingertips pull my weight off the ground. I can't believe it. I'm scaling the side of the building just like spider-man did...Holy crap. What if what happened to spider man is happening to me? What if I'm becoming just like him.

I smile at the thought and continue to climb the wall. I can't believe this. I keep climbing, my pace getting quicker as I grow more confident relying on my grip to save my life. I stop halfway, looking back down behind me at the ground, and my smile turns out into a full out grin.

I really am becoming like spiderman...

"Whoa!" I shout climbing up the rest of the wall and onto the roof of the building.

I look at the buildings ahead of me, each with a large gap in between the the two buildings. Feeling more alive than I ever have before, I take a running start up to the ledge, and leap. My body soaring through the air, making my hair fly all around my face. I laugh carefree, running to the next ledge and jumping off that one. As I am in the air, I look down at the clueless people below, unaware of what's going on.

I can move so fast, my body feels so limber, I feel like anything is possible now.

"Oh!" I scream in joy, as I jump over an even larger gap, my arms flailing about above me, as I land on the roof without a sound.

I've never felt more free and alive.

As I jump to the last building I stop on the edge, looking over at the small towns people bustling about around the highstreet. My eyes trail up, looking at the large billboard across the road, above a small clothes shop.

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