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Chapter Four: Bite

I gazed up at the shiny, glass covered tower, the mirrors reflecting back the clouds in the sky. It was a beauty surrounding Port Angeles. The prime building that represented how this town was transforming into more of a modern city with high rising buildings.

It's a good thing I'm not afraid of heights, because their building was really a neck stretcher.

Grasping my camera quickly in my hands, I angle it towards the large 'Oscorp' sign sticking out of the building. Taking one picture, then widening the film and focusing the lens to take another.

That will make for the perfect cover for the school paper.

"Forks High seniors. No wondering. Proceed direct...Knock it off." Mr Barner instructs, taking the little hacky sack out of Tyler's grasp. Me and Harry shuffle together staying quite far at the back of the group. I wind up my camera raising it and taking a quick picture of the settled students. "Remember, it is a privilege to be here. Were guests of Forks science department. So behave accordingly."

When I look around, I spot Edward standing by his family near the front of the group, his eyes once again on me. I shift on my feet uncomfortable to be under his scrutinizing stare. But something about it sent a thrill through me. I knew he wasn't talking to me still, and that only fueled the hunger to hear him speak to me. To hear his bell like voice once again.

"As long as we don't have a repeat of the trip to the planetarium, we will be okay. Come on, stay together." He orders us, walking towards the large glass doors.

Harry looks at me smiling and rolling his eyes at the teacher. I knew Harry doesn't find this trip to amusing seeing as he practically grew up around this building. It's his father's building, and will one day become his building. Me on the other hand, I was full of excitement, looking around at the interior that was unreal.

Glass elevators going straight up to the top of the building. Four huge escalators leading off to different floors. People were wandering around in different directions in their formal attire, coffee cups and flasks in hands as they rush by. The ones who walked more sluggish looked drained as they left the building.

"Hello, are you from Forks high school?" I woman in pristine clothes, questioned Mr Barner. Her blonde hair was neatly combed and tied back, make up done to perfection around her blue eyes, that stood out against her tan skin.

"Yes we are." Sir smiled.

I winded my old camera again, angling it toward the top of the building and taking a quick picture of the beautiful sight.

"I can't believe your dad owns this building. It's so cool." I mumble to Harry, gazing around me at the molecule's structure statures, acting as art pieces.

"It's a bit over the top if you ask me. Make sure you don't trip over, nearly everything is made out of glass." He warns me, knowing how clumsy I can be.

I push his shoulder playfully, barely even shoving him with my lack of upper body strength.

"Hello students, I am Amelia and I will be your tour guide for today. If you could stay in one line of pairs, and follow me. Please do not wander off, or touch anything. Alright? Let's get going then." She smiles, overly happy.

We took the elevator up to the fifth floor, my mouth a gape pretty much the whole time there, and it only worsed once we walked into the lab. I felt Harry pressed up against my side, becuase we were wedge into the middle of the line, and he was worried I would trip and fall through a glass window. I know I'm clumsy, but I'm not that bad.

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