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Chapter One: This is me.

Dreams have always been a blur of images, faded memories that my mind is trying to hold onto. I have never given them much thought, because by the time I'm awake those memories fade away. It's usually of a man and a woman, and I'm looking up at them, a filthy looking apartment in the background as a carousel turns above me.

I think they were my parents, my birth parents.

Dad has a pair of thick rimmed glasses placed on the tip of his nose, a suit donning his body, and dark brown hair neatly combed over with gel. Mum has strawberry coloured hair, perfectly curled at the tips, to go along with her light green eyes and a beautiful summer dress. There smiles make them seem like the perfect family, that's until there's a loud crash, then darkness.

All I have from my past is a brief case filled with documents that belonged to my grandfather, and the same pair of glasses that my dad was wearing in my dreams. I know his name is Peter Parker, and that he is dead. Charlie found out through the police files that he died in a house fire, no recorded burial grounds or funeral plans, its just like he died and nobody cared enough to organise anything for him.

I've tried to piece together the broken shard of memories that remain of him and my mother, but I can't. I gave up on the briefcase which continue useless office appliances like a calculator some old coins and scientific files filled with equations too complex, even to my understanding, and I'm in the higher tier of my science group at school.

I had a family anyway, I had Charlie and Renee, I had a place I could call home. Somewhere with shelter and food, and with people who care about me, blood didn't matter to us, because they were the ones who raised me and made me into the person I am today.

My alarm clock took the opportunity to annoy me with its high pitched shrill, right beside my ear, and I shot up in bed, hitting across all the buttons on top of the useless box, until one made the ringing stop. My vision was all blurry, the objects around me out of focus, and I look down nearly blindly searching with my outstretched hand across my bedside table for my glasses.

I push something cold and smooth and hear the all too well clink as the glass cup filled with water falls to the ground, thankfully not smashing. Grasping onto the frame of the large rimmed glasses, I open them and slide them up the bridge of my nose, when the objects all become crystal clear around me.

"Damm it." I mumble to my self, looking down at the soaked sheets of my homework for Mr. Banner.

I worked so hard on these notes, only to have them ruined by my own stupid clumsiness. Now I'll have to try and write six thousand words worth of an essay by tommorow.

Mad at myself for my own stupidity, I swing my legs off the bed, and decide to start getting ready for school before I miss the bus. Standing up, I look straight into the reflection staring back at me before me. I'm scrawny, my bones prominent against my pale skin, it's not that I'm unhealthy I just have no muscle on me. I'm average height, I have average brown eyes, average brown hair, and I basically am just a average girl.

I guess the reason why I don't have many friends is because I look like a geek with my old fashioned mens glasses,that have a bit of sellotape around the top of the arm of the right side of the glasses to keep them together after Flash stood on them. My only true friend is Harry Osborn, we have been friends for god knows how long, and we share the same taste is science and the same taste in hating Flash.

Sighing, I stray away from the mirror, walking into my separate bathroom Charlie had installed, and flicking the switch to the light on. Once I'm stripped of my pajamas, I take my time washing my body under the warm pressured water that the shower provides. Using my washing set that Renee brought me, the steam filled room slowly starts to fill with the hefty scent of strawberries.

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