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Chapter Five: Whats happening to me?

My eyes shoot open at the loud annoying ticking of my alarm clock. I see the mass of old textbooks and dust underneath my bed, and I groan rolling onto my front, realizing I'm on the floor. I don't know what happened to my last night, but I'm glad I'm not going through that hell again. Reaching up as I stand I grab my glasses of the side, stretching my back as I walk over to the mirror.

I touch my bare stomach, realising I must have taken my stop off in my sleep from the sweat.

Brining my glasses up to my eye, I look through the lens, everything becoming blurry.


Lowering the glasses from my eyes, everything becomes crystal clear, better then when I have my glasses on. I do the action again, making sure I'm not going crazy.

"Weird." I mumble closing the arms of the glasses.

I guess I don't need them anymore, I think to my self setting them back down on my side table.

When I look back up at my reflection, my eyes grow wide looking at the foreign body infront of me. I poke my arm getting closer to the mirror. When did I get muscles. I squeeze together my stomach muscles, watching in shock as prominent abs begin to appear befor eI relax and they disappear again. My once pale white skin, has a healthy glow to it, looking creamy and silky instead of just shallow and ghostly.

"Bella." Renee knocks on the door, as I continue to prod my body in wonder.

"Yeah." I call back to her, smiling a bit as I run my hand over the dip in my waist.

"Are you alright?" She asks me, the worry clear in her vice.

"Uh-" I pause, looking over myself once again in the reflection. "I'm fine." I tell her, turning at looking as I tense my arm muscles, the bump of muscle -that deffiantly wasn't there before- popping out.

"Any better this morning? Any change?" She asks me, and I lean forward noticing the small but noticeable change in my breast. Did they get bigger over one night?

"Change?" I repeat, finding the hour behind the word. "Yep-" I look down grinning. "Big change."

"Well hurry up your going to be late." She shouts at me.

"Right." I say, still slightly shocked by the sudden change in my body.

I know for a fact that puberty does not work miracles like that overnight? and what about my eyesight? I've needed glasses since I was a kid.

Pushing away these thought I relish in the mysterious boost of energy my body has. I feel like I could run for miles and miles without stopping or needing water. 

Trying to clip on my bar, I notice with dismay, that I will need to go shopping and get some new ones. Where I will get the money, I have no idea. I squeeze into it, and throw a vest and  a blue jumper over the top, trying to hide my new assets. Satisfied, keeping the same jeans and shoes on from yesterday, I quickly go into my bathroom, picking up my toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Pressing down slightly on the tube, the paste squirts out and hits the mirror infront of me. My eyebrows narrow slightly, as I put down the tube scraping off a small section on the paste on the mirror onto my brush. I start brushing my teeth, ripping off some toilet paper, and wiping the rest of the paste off the mirror. When I turn on the tap the metal screeches as I twist it and pops off, a small stream of water starts to spray towards the ceiling and I grab a towel quickly placing it over the leak and watching it begin to soak up. 

Spitting into the sink, and putting down the brush, I sneaking towards the door. As I reach for the bathroom handle, I use my finger tips, gently twisting the knob so it clicks open.

What the hell is happening to me?

I run a brush through my hair, and take one more disbelieving glance in the mirror. I can't believe that is actually me in the mirror.

Running down the stairs, I push up off the railing and the wall, running along the top of the wall by the staircase then jumping over the side. I don't know how I did that but it was awesome. Charlie -who was drinking his coffee- jumps as I land on the ground walking up to him grinning.

"Goodness me." Renee laughs holding her chest as she turns from the sink, towards us.

"Jesus," Charlie chuckles, turning around to face me as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I thought you were sick?" He questions, smiling.

I shake my head amused. "I got better." I grin patting his shoulder, and making my way towards the door. "Bye guys."

"You haven't eaten anything, have you got your lunch money?" Renee calls out to me as I take my coat off the hook.

"Yeah, I've got it!" I tell her.

"Hey Michelangelo, don't forget we're painting the kitchen right after school. Got it?" Charlie reminds me, as I put my coat and bag on, as well as putting the strap of my camera around my neck.

"Sure thing Charlie. Don't start without me." I tease him playfully pointing at him.

"And don't start up with me." He winks.

Walking outside into the rain, I have confident spring in my step as I go. Not even caring about taking the bus today, I put my hood up, walking alongside the forest outskirts, making my way towards the school grounds. Not once do I trip over, or slip on the wet tarmac. I even manage to make it to the school parking lot before the school bus arrives.

Not long after Harry's drivers car pulls up at the front of the school, and a frowning Harry gets out of the car slamming the door shut and knocking twice on the window for the driver to go. When he sees me standing there, he has to look twice at first before walking up to me, a slow grin forming on his face.

"What happened to your glasses? Did they break?" He asks me, taking a long look into my eyes with wonder.

I let out a soundless chuckle shaking my head. "I don't need them anymore." I tell him.

"Bella, you have worn those glasses since you were a kid, how can you not need them any more?" He asks me, not being able to hide his smile.

"I don't know." I tell him honestly.

"Well...you look really, nice. I can see you have eyes for once." He chuckles, looking down my body quickly the poking my arms. "And you've got a bit of meat on you too. Whatever you had last night, I'll have some too." He jokes, ruffling my hair under my hood in the annoying way I hate.

"Okay, okay. Stop teasing me and lets get to class." I shove his hand away.


I find this so easy to write, so I might be updating more than I planned on doing with this story. Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in Chapter six: Web Shooter .

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