forty-eight :: maya meets conclusions

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A/N: This is the last chapter *cries*

Right after I upload this I will upload my last A/N saying how thankful I am, and also addressing what's happening with the sequel. Please read it! xoxo Katie


I rushed Maya into the hospital, she was still passed out from all the pain. Her soft skin laid in my arms and I wondered how I could have hurt her, and how I've continued to hurt her.

As I walked into the trauma wing the doctors rushed over to Maya and I. They pulled out a gurney and I gently placed Maya on top.

"What happened?" They asked me and they pulled Maya across the ER.

I followed them and explained, "She's pregnant, but she's not very far along, she was having such bad stomach pains she blacked out."

One of the doctors said, "Let's get her a CT scan," They said as I followed them down the long and winding hallways, "What's her name?"

"Maya," I told them.

The doctor smiled down at her, "You're going to be okay Maya."

They turned and swung open the door nearly hitting them in the face. They didn't seem fazed as the swung the door behind them leaving me outside the room.

Once I was alone it finally sunk in. Maya's having pregnancy problems, anything can happen, what if we loose the baby?

Maya has experienced a lot of pain, but if she looses her baby I can't imagine what she'll do.

She was in the room for minutes before she was pulled out.

I directed my attention to the doctor, "Is Maya okay?"

"We're bringing her to our Pediatrician who is also an OBGYN who will tell us more about Maya's baby." She said as they wheeled Maya down the hallway.

Maya was still asleep and her hair surrounded her like a halo, it was the most I've ever seen her peaceful in a long time.

Maya and I's relationship was like a roller coaster. We fought, and we still do, constantly. We have our good days, but then they turn into bad days. Sometimes you need to step back and see if the bad over weighs the good.

They finally got to the OBGYN. The doctor explained it all in terms I couldn't understand.

The OBGYN instantly started on a ultrasound. The baby showed up on the screen beside her, to me it just looked like a blob of some sort. But apparently it was my baby.

"Okay, I know what's happening, thank you doctor," The OBGYN dismissed the other doctors.

Once they all left it was just me, the OBGYN, and Maya.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Micheals," The OBGYN introduced herself.

"Lucas," I replied, "Is Maya okay?"

"She is fine, and her baby is fine, medically anyways," Dr. Micheals said.

"What does that mean?"

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