Chapter 24

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I went back to work. Filled put some paper work then called up KashDoll and booked her next performance. I'm thinking about assigning her to someone else, so I don't have to work with Meek anymore.  I don't like mixing business with pleasure. I went to see my boss to see if it was okay with him.

"Sir, do you mind if I get KashDoll signed with someone else?"

"Why Ms. Maraj?"

"I just think it's best for her to have someone that she actually flourish with. I do alot here and I have too many other clients."

"Okay I understand. See of Mr. Jefferson would like to be her manager. Just make sure you get all her paperwork transfered properly."
I left his office and called Meek to let him know.
"Nic I'm busy right now.. is it important?"

"Okay.... I'll just tell you later."

"Ard. I'll see you later." He hung up. I started getting the paper work filled out to transfer KashDoll. I feel bad about just giving up on her but it'll be better for Meek and I to not deal work each other on a business basis.
After a couple hours and completing all my daily work, I went home. There was no reason of me being a work longer than I needed too. I took a nap. I woke up to a million calls from Caiah. I forgot I was supposed to pick him up. I rushed out the house in leggings, a cami, and Nike slides.

"I'm so so-" I said as soon as Caiah got in the car but he cut me off.

"Save it Nic. You were probably with your boyfriend and forgot all about me." He said with an attitude. He put his book bag in the back of the car.

"First of all, I wasn't with Meek. I was at home sleep. Second, don't talk to me with an attitude. I was trying to apologize." I said as I started the car back up and pulled off.

"Okay Nic. Can you just not forgot to pick me up anymore? It's almost 5. School let out a 3:45."

"I know I'm sorry Caiah. For now on your my main priority." He nodded his head. "How was school?"

"It was coo. A normal day. Can we go out to eat tonight?" He asked.

"That's good and yea that's fine with me, where you wanna go?"


Once we got home. He did his homework and I filled out the papers he needs for school.

Rihmeek 💕😈 ~ hey baby,is it cool if I come over?

Me  ~ me and Caiah are about to go out to eat 😅

Rihmeek 💕😈 ~ where yall going?  I'ma meet yall out there.

Me ~ idk yet but I'll let you know

Rihmeek 💕😈 ~ okay & don't forget we gotta finish our business from earlier 😏👅

I rolled my eyes at the text. I'm really not in the mood to have sex. Especially with Caiah around. That's weird. Meek and I fucking with Caiah a couple rooms down.

Me ~ okay... I guess we can finish that.

I put my phone down and went to Caiah's room. I laid down on the bed.

"Hey Caiah." He took his ear buds out and paused his game.

"Hey Nic. What's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to sit with you." He laughed and passed me a game controller.

"You want to sit. You gotta play." He set me up on 2k.

"How do I shoot?" He laughed and then showed me which button to press. "That's it?"

"Yea." After he beat me, 158 to 43, we got ready to leave so we could go out to Ruby Tuesday's. I texted Meek to let him know where we are. Me and Caiah got seated.

"Why is he here?" Caiah asked as he saw Meek walk in.

"He wanted to hang with us. Be nice and respectful Caiah. Okay?" He kissed his teeth.


After dinner, we got in the car and drove home. Meek followed us in his car. Caiah went to his room and locked his door.

"Come on." Meek said leading me to my bedroom which is straight down the hall from Caiah's.

"Meek, Caiah is down the hall."

"He won't hear us." Meek said he lifted up my hair and kissed the back of my neck. I started bitting my lip as he continued to kiss and suck on my neck. He removed my shirt and bra. He kissed and licked on my boobs and stomach. I moaned loudly as he did.

"Shhhhhh ya bro is down the hall." he said, he started fingering me. "Rihmeek..." I moaned. He continued to finger me.

"Damn baby." Meek said. I didn't say anything back I just slowly moaned. After a few minutes I came. He started kissing my thigh and bikini line. He started eating me out.
My eyes rolled back and chills went up my spine. His tongue went at different speeds. I grabbed on to his back, my nails went into his skin.
He lifted me up a lil as he licked my juices. He put me back on the bed and started kissing on me. I got on top of him and kissed him. he used his hands to guide me as I rode him slowly. He continuously licked his lips. I grinded on him for thirty minutes before he came. I gave him a slow passionate kiss before speeding up as I rode him.

"Damn Nic," he said out of breathe

"What baby? cant handle it." I teased. he took me off of him and stuck his peen inside me. he started off with quick short strokes. "Rih...."

"Rih what?" he started going faster.

"Rihmeek..." my voice trailed off he speed up his strokes then slowed down. He started with slow deep strokes. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I held my moans and screams in. He stopped and laid beside me.

"See? That was well needed.." I smirked after he said that. Maybe I need to stop worrying so much. I needed that.

"You're right."

"What did you need to tell me earlier?" I forgot all about it.

"Um." I hesitated to tell him. "I think I should sign KashDoll to someone else. You and her should work with someone that isn't me." He sat up.

"What? Is this how your breaking up with me?" He said angrily.

"No's not like that. I just don't want to work with you anymore. We're around each other too much." Wait that came out wrong.

"Oh so you need space. I'll give you space." He got out of my bed and put his clothes on.

"Meek that's not what I meant."

"Whatever Nic." He walked out and slammed the door. I laid back in bed disappointed and sad.

Hope yall like this chapter.
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