The Demigod With A Fedora

Start from the beginning

But still, I was cool. I received it like this was every day news. I was excited though. Very excited. Probably hyper. One more thing, I'm ADHD, and also I have dyslexia in reading thick, long paragraphs that have small fonts. Just too boring. Being ADHD, I was sipping my Coke every ten seconds.

"Okay," I smiled. "So, and are you one too?"

"Yes," Roy nodded. "i'm a son of Ares, the war god."

"Ah, Ares..." I mused. If you played God of War, you would know that Kratos was taking revenge against Ares, who manipulated him into killing his own family. I don't know whether Ares is like that in real-life, but I guess I'm about to find out.

"Okay," I said. "Where are we going?"

"To Camp Half-Blood," he said. "where the other demigods are. Camp Half-Blood is the safest place on earth for us demigods, so I must bring you there. Have you been claimed yet?"

"Claimed?" I frowned slightly. "Do you mean, do I know whose my godly parent yet? No, nada."

Roy gave a small smile. "Okay, you'll find out soon. Anyways, you gotta get packing. C'mon. Your're gonna stay at Camp Half-Blood the entire summer holiday." He stood up, waiting for me to get up, go to my room and pack all my stuff for a few months stay. Being ADHD, I got hyper easily, and I was full of energy that i just zoomed right into my room, got out my only luggage bag and started filling it with clothes, shoes, toilet essentials and etc.

"Do you need help?" he asked. I was packing so fast that I couldn't stop to answer him. I just left the qestion hanging, and soon I was done packing my luggage bag. I then got out my backpack and started filling it with my iPod and headphones, my tablet and the charger, then I took the charger for my handphone. I packed in some books that I will read and that are thick and interesting, and I didn't forget about my electric guitar.

I stood, staring at the guitar case.

"I gotta take that," I said, pointing towards it.

Roy glanced. "What is inside? A guitar?"

"An electric guitar," I corrected him. "I'll bring it, is that okay?"

Roy shrugged. "Do you need the amplifier too?"

"I don't have one," I said. "I just bought this electric guitar a few months ago, and I had to save up serious money for eight months. I'll show you the guitar when we get to Camp Half-Blood."

"It's okay, you can get one for cheap from the Hermes cabin."

"They sell amplifiers?" I was assuming Hermes cabin means the place where the Hermes kids stayed in Camp Half-Blood.


I did a double check, before I forgotten my Ray Ban sunglasses and my jungle binoculars which were resting nicely in its own slingbag. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was a sixteen year-old guy, with jet black hair and also black eyes. My eyebrows were thin and slightly arched, while my lips were thin as well. I was wearing my purple polo shirt and jeans, toegether with my Converse shoes. Honestly, I was good-looking, not to pat on myself on the back but not to the extent that girls chased after me continously and they would bang on my door. Nope, but I was still good-looking. I had medium height, same as the other boys my age and I had an athletic build. I played sports. I estimated Roy to be sixteen too, but he looked even more mature and serious.

I got everything I wanted to bring, and then I got back into the living room.

"I'm done," I said to Roy, patting the back of my jeans where my wallet was. I took my fedora and put it on my head, tilting it slightly to the right.

"Okay," he smiled. "We have to get going. You wanna say something to your apartment before we go off?"

I looked all around my apartment. It was small, but yet I had slaved for this apartment unit for a few months before I could manage to get out of the orphanage. One more thing, I was an orphan ever since my mother died when I was eight. She died in a suspicious accident. The police told me she was involved in an accident, but I found out that she had two holes in her chest, like the ones you get from a bull when it impales you. And they told me it was a hit-and-run accident. Sure it was, the liars!

"Take care of yourself, old girl," I said, smiling. I turned to Roy. "Okay, I'm done."

"Let's go," he said, opening the door and stepping out of my apartment. He was helping me pull my medium-sized luggage bag. I locked the door behind me, and made sure everything was locked, because I would be back only in a few months.

He had already pressed the lift button, and was waiting for me.

"How are we going to get there?" I asked.

Roy gave me a grin.

"We're gonna take the Taxi of Damnation."

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