Chapter 1: Thornville

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Thornville was a small town, quiet with a population of about eight thousand people. The residents were often happy to just never leave their homes. Thornville was often a place where people went to settle down, where failed actors, actresses, musicians and artists came to let their dreams die, where people got day jobs, tried to find surrogate happiness, and sometimes, never even escaped the town entirely. Thornville was a home town. Not a choice town.

In one of its cafés, sat Owen Cavalier and Evangeline Green. The coffee house was a bit of a walk from the school.

"I'm kinda sort of a little bit not really maybe dumping you..." Evangeline mumbled, half insincerely actually.

"I'm sorry?" Owen looked at her, unimpressed. "Anyone ever tell you that you are godawful at break-ups?"

"It's not like it's something I can practice, Owen. I don't break up with guys in my spare time, I don't mull around on a Tuesday night thinking 'I haven't broken up with a guy in a while, maybe I should do that tonight'! Owen, I'm trying really hard to be mature and grown up about this and you're just so childish. Like, can we grow up for two seconds?"

"Wouldn't hurt to make small talk first, you know. 'Hey, how's your day. You good? That's great. I'm sorry. We're breaking up. Had a nice time though.'"

"So typical. Should have known you'd react like this."

"You know what, fine! Whatever. We're over. I honestly couldn't care less."

"Oh, yes you could! I bet you're dying to know the reason!"

"Actually, no, I don't have to sit around and listen to this... I was miserable with you and I can be perfectly miserable without you, Eva..."

"Oh you've made it crystal clear that you can be a right fucking mess even when I try my best to make you happy. If it's not Lisa making you miserable, it's me. I'm wrong. I'm not good enough. I need to do better."

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"What did you mean then, huh? You know, maybe you're the problem."

"Maybe I am but Jesus, you could have brought it up sometime."

"Yeah, of course, between you sobbing for your perfect ex-girlfriend and the list of things I'm doing wrong there were just so many opportunities to discuss where you were messing up."

"Please leave Lisa out of this."

"No, okay, because while we're on the topic of my constant performance review, my competition was winning by being dead. This relationship needs one less girlfriend, and you know what? I'm not going to sit around and wait until you finally decide which one of us it's going to be."

"Then walk."

"I would but I'm scared it'd be into oncoming traffic. God forbid that you'd turn me into an excuse to be an asshole to your next girlfriend."

"Fuck you with a dried up cactus up the anus if you think I need an explanation from you, or anyone else, as to why I'm such a fuck up."

He got up and walked a distance, but then took a few steps back awkwardly.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I take it back." He said, seeming sincerely apologetic. "Because I mean, you're used to pricks in your asshole. Trip a distance."

Evangeline's middle finger stood on attention as he stormed out. The café had gone quiet at some point, but then slowly resumed the usual buzz.

Elsewhere, in what could be considered the middle of nowhere, Alyssa St. Claire was chasing down a lead. She had been running from her brother for two years now, and it was finally time that she got a leg up on him. She thought about what life would be like without him chasing her as she walked up to the saddest little establishment in the saddest little middle of nowhere, which also happened to be the only establishment, and as all small places with too little for its residents to do but dream of leaving, this particular establishment was a bar. She mused about a lot of other things too. She thought about the nature of evil. And, if she had to be honest, only a few things in the world are really, truly evil. And despite her hatred for him... Her brother didn't even make the top five.

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